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Page 830 (1/2)

Chapter 829: De like he was food, their death Qi was extre condensed his own pure Qi, but he couldn’t h as a powerful death Qi crashed onto his body

Lin Feng thought about it quickly and realized that condensing pure Qi would open the doors for death Qi to penetrate a cultivator’s body

“The cultivator’s bane…” Lin Feng seemed understand why everyone died here Cultivators could only rely on their physical body and strength, which usually was underdeveloped

“Crrrr…” a ferocious beast threw itself at Lin Feng Lin Feng tested whether he could use the strength of the Herukas and found that he could Suddenly, Lin Feng looked delighted

His hand turned into a gigantic hand and assaulted the beast Ru sounds spread in the air as the beast was propelled away Lin Feng’s hand felt nue

“Why was its body that hard?” Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and stared at the beast Its body looked like steel, just like Lin Feng’s body did after using the Heruka skill

“Rrrrr…” the beast roared in a low voice as it stared back at Lin Fen Its four paws sto All the beasts around hi felt extreth

“Crrrr… crrrr…” ’s eyes turned black like those of a deth of the Herukas rotate at itsfuriously He started punching in every direction Ruth of the Heruka was rolling in waves

“Booth of the Heruka crashed on their bodies and propelled theain Their bodies see

He looked at the beasts and they looked back at hi cursed out loud as he released his deed

The beasts looked terrified and ey All of the Those beasts were all Xuan level beasts and on top of that, they were not high level Xuan beasts Even so, it was ith

“It could be that the legends were true If those beasts have a demoniac soul, then it would explain why they fear the de into the distance He could sense the deot the center of the valley