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“This is hard to say…” Chu Yang said hesitantly, “There are hundreds of thousands of people in this Iron Cloud Citadel; there are five major areas in it The aristocratic area is easy to search, the slums are not so easy Even if a thousand people hid in there, they would be like fish in an ocean and tigers in a deep forest If ant to find him… I am afraid ill have to mobilize the entire force of the citadel All of the soldiers and civilians would have to join in the search; ould have to do a coation The efforts and resources ill have to spend would be enoruy, I will represent the Hei Mo clan in pro hastily cut him off If he had allowed Minister Chu to continue, then the entire Hei Mo clan would surely have to toil and still not be able to pay off this debt…

“Hey, how can senior say this? I am not the type of person that helps people in hope of repay replied unhappily, “Your words have really undervaluedyour bigyou don’t need repay of Hell Chu’s eyes shifted and the conversation took a turn His countenance immediately beca with enemies on the inside and out; the situation is precarious Golden Horse Riders Depart our Bu Tian Pavilion Moreover, they also have King level leaders This is too difficult…”

“You want me to help you deal with Golden Horse Riders Depart was shocked, “I can’t do this!” He was both annoyed and troubled This punk’s state

“No, no! Not like that!” Chu Yang replied astutely, “Very soon, Golden Horse Riders Departainst our Bu Tian Pavilion Not many will come, probably only a dozen people or so Senior, you only need to help uys”

“Only a dozen people? Well, that’s not too ht for aa dozen secular officials or ordinarylevel ree, then?” Minister Chu struck quickly; he needed to be certain of this

“Uh, I agree!” The Saber King thought for a while and finally agreed

“Senior, you are a greatoil, and turned the tide of a dangerous situation Your righteousness reaches the heavens, and your chivalry puts me in awe! Millions of people in Iron Cloud are thankful for your great deed!” Minister Chu was so touched, there were tears in his eyes… Motherf… I finallyabout for so long!

“Ah, rest assured! While we are not able to help you deal with the entire Golden Horse Riders Department, I can promise you that the people they send here will not be able to return! If one comes, one will die; if two coly

Chu Yang laughed and replied, “Yes! Your greatness is out of this world Even if Golden Horse Riders Departive them more ancestral tablets!”

“A few hundred people? Didn’t you just say a dozen people?” The Saber King frowned

“This lowly official hed, “Who knows if there would be one, ten or a hundred people… This is hard to figure out…”

The Saber King was furious! This punk just said at most there would be a dozen people And within the blink of an eye, they got multiplied a dozen times from his very own mouth Even worse, he’s not even sure how many there would be

Motherf, is this even a hu First, it was black, and now it is white…

No wonder he e, a Minister even Damn, with just hisBu Tian Pavilion, the Saber King looked as if he was trying to escape! His countenance was completely pale!

After this deal, I will sever all ties with this King of Hell Chu! He is tooMinister Chu said seeh pedestal as a hero and a savior; his praises blewA little later, I discovered that he was actually praising himself

I was supposed to do him one favor But after all the back and forth, I so him a few favors!

Especially those last words: “… Senior, you can rest assured! While I th, for you, I will risk my own head, shed blood, climb a mountain of sabers, and walk into a sea of fire I will not relent even if I get stabbed by swords and slashed by sabers! Is there any need for reward? Is there any need for a conditional exchange? These words will not only belittle me, but also insult you, senior! Senior, don’t you think I aht? We have just met each other, but I feel as if I have known you already My only regret is we met too late Between the two of us… is there really need for differentiation…”

Just thinking about King of Hell Chu’s talk of being good friendsThis is still not a conditional exchange?

In the end, King of Hell Chu added so run for his life, “…Yes, there is one other thing that had been troublingstood up and bid farewell… Motherf, you have already toldyou, and I have agreed to all of the to let h of relief

Done! (walkthejianghucom)

However, this situation was not over! There were a few things to follow up on

Since such a large piece of ht it, naturally

After that, Chu Yang iuarded and the security was stricter than it had ever been since the founding of Iron Cloud Nation! But Chu Yang still felt it was not enough

Frowning as he walked in, Chu Yang looked at a few of the traps they had set up and his face turned purple He grabbed the people in charge of this place and started scolding the birds and mice?”

He scolded the Revered Martial Artists until they were grinding their teeth, and veins were popping up on their foreheads