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Chapter 373: Gathering 1

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Black crows glided in the sky above the vast sea of ​​trees, occasionally flapping its wings

Garen tightly grabbed onto the protruding feathers that looked like black iron His entire body rested within the recessed region, his entire body felt war the recessed area with its ware of how much time had passed, they finally flew past the vast expanse of forest beneath, and it faded behind thee circular basin The depressed region looked like a hollow basin made of red-colored stone, and at its center was a deep black canyon

Six black crows flew out froe of the basin, and dove straight into the canyon

Garen was riding one of the black crows diving straight into the dark canyon On his flanks were steep uneven walls of red rock, with the abyss below pitch black It was i Up above was a strip faint white clouds adrift


The croings fluttered to the sides canyon, blowing a gust which detached some loose rocks from the wall A few pieces of red stones fell into the botto at the corners and curves ahead of hi within the canyon cracks

With such rapid flight and tortuous canyon curves, Garen had the unshakable feeling feeling that he ht hit the rock wall at any ti operation" The voice of the red umbrella was heard from the black box

"Be careful," the old man answered

"I know"

One of the black crows separated fro forward into a huge ancient structure ahead

The structure was a large red tauren stone statue about half aa roaring action Its lower body was embedded directly into the cliff face, and the entire red cliff see an ancient relic site behind

Garen only took a cursory glimpse as he flew by and he did not have a clear look

He then moved forward for a bit more

Soon, foxes and kittens also split off from the team

It was finally Garen’s turn, and he remembered the location’s features on the map

"My mission point is here, I’ll make my move first," he said directly to the box

"Be aware of the surroundings, reserve some power in case of possible accidents" The old ed, personality

"Good luck, nine-headed brother" The child flew to Garen’s side, standing on the back of black crow as he raised his fist "Let me know if you encounter any difficulties, h he did not know the strength of the rest of the Red team, it was estimated that he would be the least likely to encounter any proble, any one of them could independently take on multiple form 3 monsters quite easily That was to say, they had at least a pinnacle form 3 totem, and even the power to spiritualise

The fact that Garen had the power to spiritualise should have spread to the capital,al and it surely would have have reached the king, but he was still not taken seriously by the red team He really do not understand why

However there was no point in thinking about these things More importantly, this task could be a juicy opportunity to rack up some potential points Garen planned to first evolve the ninth head of eight-headed dragon, and then focus on upgrading the Secret Techniques to see ould happen

Banking right into a corner guiding the black crow, Garen suddenly flew into a black-red crossroad

At the end in the distance, a large triangle-shaped red stone as clearly visible It resee red beehive, full of holes of all sizes

Fro constantly Besides that the surroundings were eerily silent

Garen rode the black crow and rushed straight towards it The red beehive came nearer and nearer

Each hole was ether, forth and width

The black crow round the triangular honeycole piece of greenery could be seen

He controlled the black crow as it slowly on a flat stone on the rock buspan s creating bursts of wind as it gently landed on the ground

Garen juhtly in lowed froently landed on the ground

"White Dragon, go" Garen remembered that the derivator have been destroyed by hiy There was no way to relieve the hidden dangers, after all, hence he chose to destroy it

He shook his head slightly, tidied up his messy black armor, and wore the hood on his head so he would be hidden in full ars were spacious, ahead of hiular beehive, and on his left a stone wall, while under his feet on the right was a botto

A very dull sound cae red triangle in front of him and ordered the black crow to hold position

He took two steps forward and one step ht array fleeted

Garen juain in ht array His entire person stepped on the black light array like ladders and juular stone wall

After each step, he felt that that his current juh Garen jumped four tiular stone wall