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"I’htly touched the slender sword hanging at his waist that was hidden by his coat

"Speaking of which, you've been at the Grandht be able to find an opportunity to advance" The old htly emotional and expectant

Andrela only smiled "Grandmasters of Coer afraid of guns and bullets It's even classified as a non-human realm There are even soer h that kind of path was powerful, it is not the path I want to walk That's why I've stopped progressing for so long"

The oldthis head disciple of Celestial Circle Gate voice out his opinion "Then what kind of a path are you trying to walk?"

"Grandhteous and Ihteous style doesn't hide its moves and uses momentum to pressure opponents An Immoral style uses endless amounts of secret techniques They each have their own ured out my third path However, I feel that it's close… Grade D… is not the end" Andrela's eyes were flashing with an indescribable gaze "Martial arts should be endless"

"That's our hope as well" The old ratification in his eyes "To be unburdened by unnecessary emotions, as expected of my disciple!"

Andrela slowly shook his head "Master, there are sos that were only buried in history I am not the first Grandmaster of Combat that has walked on this path"

"I know" The old lory of Celestial Circle Gate Nobody will be able to stop you in this war of unification!"

"That's what I thought as well" Andrela smiled as he strode out The other three followed after hi hi Dance Gate

Garen was sitting cross-legged in the center of the cold dojo

Thearound, as if there were countless earthworh I've become a Grand of it" He was constantly adjusting the Qi and blood within his body and also his condition by following the method provided by the Boulder Martial Art

"Su Lin once said that a Grandmaster of Combat is a Martial Adept that has reached the limits of the huhly teer have any fatal flaws

"However, is it really true that the lih I can withstand a bullet, I aainst bombs and artillery shells" Both of Garen's hands were slowly raised above his head


With a low roar, all of the muscles in his body suddenly expanded It was not the expansion of the Mammoth Secret Technique, but a very little amount of muscle expansion instead

"A Martial Adept that has reached the limits of the hueneration, Andrela" Garen's eyes were faintly filled with a trace of expectation It was a kind of a true expectation toward an opponent of the same level

Suddenly, within the Skill Pane in his field of vision, the Boulder Martial Art selection slowly changed

"Boulder Martial Art: Rudiht of so

Garen slowly stood and slowly performed the Four Major Forms of White Cloud Combat Arts He was entirely immersed within the limit state of the Ma the special breathing technique of Ma technique of Boulder Martial Art

It was as if the Boulder Martial Art and Ma to each other Garen was entirely immersed within the casual execution of the chain combination of the Four Major Forms

The Boulder Martial Art selection, that was just displaying Rudimentary Level, ie part was that the Ma as well They were replaced by an entirely new Secret Martial Art and a symbol slowly appeared behind it

"Mammoth Variant Secret Technique: Explosive Level"

Garen looked toward the symbol behind it

"First level of stabilization of Qi and blood: The integration of Qi and blood within the body can reflect dainated froh training Boulder Martial Art"

Reading the htly surprised "The main effect of Boulder Martial Art is the powerful defense I didn't think that its effects could actually stack with the Mammoth Secret Technique However, the text behind states that it can advance to a higher level through training Boulder Martial Art However, why isn't there any reaction from Iron Body? It should be combinable as well!"

He slowly recovered his posture and focused his attention on the Iron Body selection

He suddenly thought of so and slowly performed the Iron Body as he executed the Four Major Forms

After a few minutes, Iron Body slowly disappeared as well

Then, the syed It changed into two: one of the of the epidermis

"First level of stabilization of Qi and blood: The integration of Qi and blood within the body can reflect dainated froh training Boulder Martial Art"

"First level of hardening of the epider injuries froinated fro Iron Body"

All of his Secret Martial Arts that were Body Hardening Techniques were fused together and he was only left with a variant Secret Martial Art