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Chapter 204: A Second Duel

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

Shangguan Ru did not understand how this could have happened

She had seen countless bloody scenes in Stone Castle and had never felt afraid She even felt some enthusiasm towards violence Before she had even learnt how to speak, she had already been in herat the killers This pleased her father greatly He had joked that this

She had killed people She would stand on the stairs and watch as the flaon Society She had witnessed people getting their heads cut off and had felt nothing in her heart

However, she couldn't even bring herself to kill a swordsman from the Great Snow Mountain that she didn't even know

Every single one of her blows missed the vital areas of her victi creature lose its vitality and life force

When Master Yu had died, he had taken not only the friendship between them but also her ruthlessness with hiuan Fei, had appeared amidst the rubble, she felt extremely flustered He was the last person she had wanted to see, especially since they were engaged in a life-and-death battle She could feel the killers' expectations of her and she didn't know if she could meet those expectations

The stones that fell fro swordsmen were in disarray after their tea after the killers The re five to six swords after theuan Fei's desperate pleas continued "Sister, is that you? Coguan Ru kept her sword She felt very conflicted She had to decide whether she was going to kill hireat irritation in her heart If it weren't for her eer behind her

She felt that so her blade, she turned around and saw one of her killers co after her with a saber

This killer was one of her most trusted subordinates and he currently wanted to kill this unworthy uan Ru's heart was like a heavy stone that dragged her down into the abyss Although she still had time to block with her sword, her hands were frozen

At that very moment, she didn't think of her parents, Master Yu, Slave Huan, and those people ere close to her She didn't even think of the good or bad ti on her mind was that death would be so terrible

Death had passed her like it did the swordsman

The killer as deterh However, his waist suddenly shuddered and he fell sharply An arrow had plunged through his back and came out his chest

Liuhua came over from afar He still carried a bow

Her brother's cries for help still rang in her ears but, she heard nothing What had happened was completely incomprehensible She could only watch

Slave Huan rushed forward and whispered so that she was not able to understand "Wildhorse wants to kill you"

Had Wildhorse really betrayed her? Shangguan Ru turned her head to look at the odd-looking killer He had once been loyal to Master Yu and had been forgiven by Shangguan Ru for killing other killers Was he really going to kill his er and confusion evident across his face He gripped his sword and glanced at Liuhua and Shangguan Ru

He was angry that he had been betrayed by Slave Huan The original plan was to use this opportunity to kill Shangguan Ru and send the loot to the swordsmen from the Great Snow Mountain Because of this, they had let several people go so they could kill theuan Fei, he was an unexpected prize Yes, they had plans of dealing with Slave Huan after everything was over but never had they expected that Slave Huan would have acted first

What he didn't understand hy Liuhua had chosen to support Slave Huan Wildhorse himself was the real leader of the killers He was also much more powerful than his opponents Liuhua had personally promised him that he would support him at the last moment, however, that turned out to be a lie He had never been betrayed before so this act of betrayal caused hi about as going on but his expression betrayed his thoughts

In this moment of indecision, Maid Lotus had already killed another killer and only one killer remained He prepared to escape but was shot by Liuhua He fell ast the corpses

Wildhorse was left to Slave Huan They had an unfinished duel to settle

Wildhorse raised his head He would not flinch nor escape and he wouldn't feel guilty about the plot He had never regarded anyone as his master in his heart and Master Yu was no exception

Even if he could speak, he would not expose Slave Huan's motives at this time It was this slave who had betrayed everybody and what Wildhorse wanted to do noas kill Slave Huan

He had his chance In the er If he had delivered a more powerful blow, he would have been able to save hiretful He gripped his dagger and walked towards his enemy

Gu Shenwei and Maid Lotus had talked and decided that Wildhorse was a greater threat than Shangguan Ru The Snow Mountain Gang's plan to extered and no ized, they felt that he would strike and sabotage their interests eventually