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Chapter 91: A New Interpretation

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

A saber was a must for Gu Shenwei now

He carried one everyday in Golden Roc Fort and becaht on him all the time Without it, he would feel as if he was completely naked and unprotected, especially when he was in a dangerous place like South City

The next day, he left Xu Xiaoyi's place at noon and walked toward Southwall Tavern through the deep snow A all the places he knew in South City, that place had the ate of Southwall looked at him coldly and refused his request directly, "Southwall is a tavern, not a weapon shop"

"I'll pay you to get one," Gu Shenwei insisted, unwilling to take no for an answer He blocked the doorway, knowing that no one would coed a glance with the short fat guy, and then they went into the tavern After a while, they came out, threeapon to the killer apprentice and said, "For the sake of your ive you this one for free"

Gu Shenas surprised to hear that the fat guys still re's apprentice He picked up the weapon and said, "It's a sword I said that I want a saber"

The fat guys got a little bit irritated and said, "Don't be so picky A? Get out of here"

With their arer step by step to drive him away

Gu Shenwei returned to Xu Xiaoyi's place and drew out the sword to have a look He thought it must have been left behind by a con man who masqueraded as a nobleman Both the shaft and the scabbard of the sere ornately decorated, but the geht and thin, with no cutting edge

Holding it, he could not feel as secure as he did when he held a saber in hand

"You don't like it?" Xu Xiaoyi came over and asked He was obviously e a sword"

"It won't be a proble fu You can defeat them no matter eapon you use"

What Xu Xiaoyi said reminded Gu Shenwei of the sword technique in the nameless sword manual, which was a move without defense and was suitable for surprise attacks He had used it to fight his , but also had nearly gotten killed That was because hismembers ere definitely much weaker than him, Gu Shenwei believed that he could easily kill theht inthe ainst Golden Roc Fort's principles He had strongly advised Maid Lotus not to practice the sword techniques from the manual, but somehow he himself was still obsessed with it

He lifted the sword, stabbed and pulled it back

Xu Xiaoyi fell backward on the floor in surprise "What're you doing? Are you going to killhis neck with his hand

"No I just wanted to try this sword out"

"Try that sword out? Try that sword out on a living person? Are you kidding ht have accidentally killed me just now," Xu Xiaoyi complained as his face turned red

"No I controlled it precisely," Gu Shenwei said, while putting the sword back into its scabbard He felt that he began to get familiarized with this weapon

Xu Xiaoyi could not believe what the killer apprentice said He had clearly felt the point of the sword touch his neck just now If the killer apprentice had stabbed several centimeters further, he would have been dead In his view, everyone can ue with the killer apprentice in case that he would feel challenged and want to try again to prove hiht back on the sword technique He discovered that it was extremely fast and unpredictable, and believed that it was the best sword technique he had ever seen "Hey, what's the name of the sword technique you used just now? Your sword skills seem even better than your saber skills"

As Xu Xiaoyi did not know kung fu, Gu Shenwei could not explain to hiht not be as practical as the saber techniques in real fights He simply told him, "Stab-neck sword skill"

"Half-naked? You use this sword skill after taking your clothes off?"

"No, I said stab-neck It's a skill of stabbing necks"

Upon hearing that, Xu Xiaoyi immediately covered his neck with both hands, and his mouth twitched "It seerumbled

A customer came for Xu Yanwei in the afternoon Gu Shenwei and Xu Xiaoyi had to leave the house The siblings did not have enough h for a place at the edge of the city There was nowhere for theo to brothels Given that, they just went to Southwall Tavern again

At the entrance of the tavern, Gu Shenwei gave his sword to the fat guys and said, "I would like to get a saber when I leave"

The fat guys searched them carefully and then reluctantly allowed them to enter the tavern

Gu Shenwei bade Xu Xiaoyi to keep a low-profile inside the tavern and deliberately chose a table in a corner to avoid attention

As it was still early in the afternoon, there were not uests inside the tavern Gu Shenwei looked around, searching for fa was not here, but there was another elderlyalone and there was only one kind of alcoholic drink on his table, which indicated that he was a real toper

Gu Shenwei recognized that he was Zhang Ji, the teacher in the fa was a strict teacher and had whipped him in the neck back in his school days Since new year was co, Gu Shenwei reckoned that the schoolJi also had a job at the Archives Library He was the only person interested in those archives and often read theht It suddenly occurred to Gu Shenwei that Mister Zhang ht be able to help him understand the document he had