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Chapter 274 – The Ninth Trial

Tang Wulin harbored the same doubts as Xie Xie Naturally, they would earn er they survive this trial, yet two hours had passed without the slightest peep How could this be called a trial of survival then? It was easy to forage for food in a forest and survive

“Should we go exploring?” Xie Xie asked

Tang Wulin looked at the sky before answering, “Not yet, it’s still early in the afternoon We’ll wait until nightfall It’ll be safer if Xu Xiaoyan can use her Starwheel Ice Staff”

Iive in to anxiety, cal the best way to help his teammates maximize their points

Since we’re safe here, we can wait until everyone’s in their best condition before exploring

The sun gradually sunk beyond the horizon In the twilight, Tang Wulin stood up and quietly cliaze into the distance

The world he found himself in truly reseliht, he could make out trees as far as the eye could see

Then a howl shattered the silence and flipped the forest upside down

Tang Wulin broke out into goosebumps as terror racked his body, but his blood essence chose that moment to flare up It quickly dispelled his fear, his heart finally cal to its earlier state

What was that?

Then realization hit hile howl could upend the forest, just how terrifyingly powerful was this beast?

The Three-eyed Dey, was the strongest soul beast he had encountered so far He could never forget the battle between the ten-thousand-year Three-eyed De Yet, this howl had shaken hiround, he saw his companions all had horror-stricken expressions

“W-as that sound? That scared hast

Everyone wore a si Wulin grimly said, “I don’t know either, but it doesn’t seem too far from here”

Another roar thundered just as he spoke Compared to before, this one was sharper and see their fear


This is so strange!

“Let’s go take a look” Gu Yue said to Tang Wulin

Tang Wulin nodded “Let’s go”

There was no way a trial would be as siht Even if they didn’t check it out, perhaps the two soul beasts would co for them instead It was far better to take the initiative to attack

After all, regardless of who held the exam, there must be a way for examinees to pass the exam