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Chapter 255 – The Potential of a Little Monster

Tang Wulin hie, but dismissed it With a cold snort, he dispelled so pressure Now that Xie Xie was surrounded by Tang Wulin’s blood essence, he was finally able to regain his co Wulin’s blood essence, he felt an unshakeable sense of security standing next to hi would be okay

“Huh” Shen Yi appeared from around the corner of a stone pillar, an elderly reen robe, his face the very definition of surprise He nodded in approval when he saw Tang Wulin “Not bad He has the potential of a little monster It has been many years since I’ve last seen so’s pressure”

Unknown to class zero, the mural above the However, the only reason it could invoke such terror in their hearts was because it was painted with one drop of blood froest soul beast in the Great Star Dou Forest, the fearso

The drop of blood obtained froon and Shrek Academy’s most powerful members

This er they lasted, the higher their score

Shen Yi was also astonished She had originally labelled Gu Yue as theWulin had e history of this Black Dragon Hall, no one had ever used their own aura to resist the ht of the mural Examinees had always been forced to resist it with their own strength

“Elder Li, this trial’s score…?”

Elder Li glanced at Tang Wulin “Give that boy full marks As for the other three… I suppose luck is an aspect of one’s strength Give the rest eight points”

“Thank you, Elder Li” Shen Yi’s eyes lit up with joy

Without needing to be told, the four students turned to the elder and bowed

The elder s face to that old fellow, Zhuo Shi It doesn’t change the fact that you were all late!” HeWulin an approving nod before walking off His actions were incomprehensible

“The exam is split into many trials Each trial has a maximum score of ten points, but to pass you need a minimum of six and your points are totalled at the end of the exams Points will be deducted for failed sections and added for full-score sections So actually, your luck was pretty good for the first section” Shen Yi nodded in satisfaction

“FollowWulin a thumbs up They had only realized then that the trial tested their spiritual power The greater their spiritual power, the longer they could endure the pressure

Although Xie Xie’s spiritual power surpassed the norm, he still fell flat co Wulin, he would have failed this trial

Gu Yue’s score could have been higher, but it would’ve been iht points

The realization that they had just passed their first trial hit them hard, and they subconsciouslyWulin stood at the front as the spear head, Xie Xie slightly behind him, while Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue were in the backlines

After passing through a corridor, they arrived in another hall Shen Yi stopped and spun around to face the four students “Wait here The second trial will begin in athe content of the next trial It was already generous of Shrek Acade late Unlike the other examinees, they did not need to line up and as such could only power through the trials without resting