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Chapter 6 – Bringing Her Home

“Na’er? That’s a nice na Wulin helped her up

Na’er lowered her head but didn’t say a word

“Where’s yourWulin asked

Na’er shook her head

“Gu gu!” A peculiar sound suddenly disrupted their har Wulin hastily lowered his head to look at his stomach, but he quickly realized that those sounds weren’t h Na’er’s face was covered in dust, an indistinct blush could be seen

Are you hungry? If you can’t find youris delicious!” As Tang Wulin spoke, he pulled onto Na’er’s hand while walking in the direction of his home

Na’er raised her head and looked towards him From her position, she could only see the side of his face His face was rosy thanks to the previous fight with a few youths, turning red with vigour He had large black eyes and long eyelashes She couldn’t help but stare blankly at hisWulin shouted before even stepping into his hohbours” Lang Yue rebuked hi the door

“Hoas school today? H Yue frowned as she looked at her son, as covered in dust After that, she saw Na’er, whose hand was being held by Tang Wulin

“Mo Wulin lively and realistically told her what had just transpired

After hearing his words, Lang Yue’s expression changed before she dragged hi Wulin, naturally entered the house as well

“Child, don’t you kno dangerous that is? How could you……” Lang Yue was obviously anxious, judging fro She completely understood what those youths fro Wulin replied stubbornly, “But Father had said that boys need to be brave and gutsy to fight against villains”

“You……” When Lang Yue saw the resolution in her son’s large eyes, she didn’t continued to reproach hiht However, as aWulin giggled and ran forward to hug his ry Can youthis adorable and obedient child, Lang Yue really couldn’t continue to be mad at him She helplessly shook her head before she crouched doards Na’er, who didn’t say a single word “Little friend, are you called Na’er? Where’s your mother and father?”

Na’er just shook her head as she had done previously, without saying a single word

Only a kind heartedYue said, “Alright Look at how filthy the two of you are, you should go and wash up first before changing your clothes”

5-6 year old children naturally didn’t need to be separated by genders Lang Yue pulled the two dirt coveredWulin asked Lang Yue why he and Na’er were different, she only laughed without answering However, Na’er bashfully hid behind Lang Yue

“Wah! Na’er, you’re so pretty!” As Tang Wulin sat at the side of the dining table, he supported his chin with both of his hands while looking at Na’er as at his side, wearing his clothes

Tang Wulin was taller than Na’er by half a head, so his clothes were very baggy orn by Na’er Yet, this didn’t affect Na’er’s beauty at all