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It appeared to look like a really young child at the age of six or seven It had a delicate look with fine features There was a mole in the shape of a flame in the middle between its brows Its cute little look was everyone’s cup of tea

It had always preferred to share Gu Xijiu’s bed After she was married, Celestial Master Zuo took its place and forbade it fro any closer Moreover, as Celestial Master Zuo was inseparable with Gu Xijiu even during the day, it had no chance at all in getting into her sleeves It could not even get close to her body, as Celestial Master Zuo often thought that it was too hairy to get attached Its hair would easily stick to her clothing and body

Lu Wu was unhappy about it but was unable to express its frustration Because of that, it decided to continue its practice as ure after seven years of hard work It knew that she liked little children, so it transfor it once again and take it to bed with her like she used to

As expected, she liked its human form as a child very much She pinched its limbs several times and could not help but kissed its cute little cheeks, too Finally, Lu Wu could feel the love fro, as Celestial Master Zuo was back and sahat they were doing

He observed its form for a moment and praised it on the transforifted him two silver bracelets with siehted and quickly wore the bracelets on its hands It then went to show off to the other that it just got from Celestial Master Zuo to make them envy Lastly, it went to look for Gu Xijiu She was curious about the bracelets, so she asked it to take them off so she could look closely However, that was the time when it realized that it could not take them off

The two bracelets were as physically attached to its skin on both its wrists It could not take theled to take theot It was so helpless that it started crying

Gu Xijiu wanted to help The inal form

The two bracelets were attached exactly at its front paws

Lu Wu was furious It transfor that it was able to break off the bracelets, or at least loosen them However, the bracelets were known as Ru Yi Bracelets, which could change their sizes according to its bearer’s form

Lu Wu finally understood that it was attached to the bracelets Also, the bracelets had another function As long as it came into physical contact with Gu Xijiu, no ure, it would be iinal fore for two hours

Lu Wu felt that Celestial Master Zuo had deceived it with such an evil trick Ablaze with anger, it went to see Celestial Master Zuo and asked hier After listening to its lengthy explanation, Celestial Master Zuo gave it a cold look as he took out another new, shiny necklace He responded with a friendly look, "I still have another Ru Yi Necklace You look adorable in your human form, I am sure that this necklace will make you look even better Come, let me put it on for you&8221;

Lu Wu ran away almost immediately

From that day onwards, Lu Wu would fly as far away as possible every tiet close to him anymore

As for the bracelets, they sat well on its wrists as accessories, as long as it stopped touching the to take them off

Celestial Master Zuo ay now, as he needed to pack for their departure Lu Wu finally got theit needed to get closer to Gu Xijiu It could finally stand by her side to have a proper conversation, as long as there was not any physical contact