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Chapter 1282: What Was He Doing?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was easy if they were ever sick or injured as enerally physically healthy and could recover on their own Besides that, the villagers had Luo Zhanyu as their medical consultant, and so they usually recovered very quickly However, to upgrade their spiritual power frorade pill also known as the Soul Guardian

Though it sounded easy to upgrade froe gap for the practitioners Once they were able to achieve a spiritual power of level nine, they were very close to the fairy reale in their physique Throughout the upgrading process, the hue It was just like experiencing intensive training in the ancient stories, and they would become fairies after they had surpassed the obstacles Alternatively, they would explode if they could not withstand the impact if they failed, and even their soul would be shattered into pieces; never to be whole again

The Soul Guardian plays a vital role as it could protect the blood vessels in the body fro and also soothes the violent aura It serves as a protective shield throughout the upgrade Without the pill, 99 out of 100 people who had upgraded to level nine would explode into ashes Therefore, the Soul Guardian was an essential iterade to level nine after they had discovered the golden sentence He did not have the Guardian Soul but was lucky enough that Meng Suyan had one and Luo Zhanyu safely upgraded as she had contributed her pill to him

Unfortunately, it was the only one they had Therefore, the villagers here who had already achieved a spiritual power of level eight orried about upgrading, and so they did not dare to practice too hard

Fortunately, Gu Xijiu was a senior alcheraded pills at such a young age and believed that she would be able to h effort to practice her alcheraded Soul Guardian, they could all upgrade safely Soon enough, they would be able to break out of the barrier!

Gu Xijiu was their only hope! They were all very excited and insisted on celebrating! They took out their best wine and ave it their best to make the dishes while the men helped to clean up

Thethe community as they were all elites and could easily find their wives once they had gotten out of here!

Alhtly overwhelainst the 40 of them Luckily, everyone respected Gu Xijiu very much, and she was probably more valuable than 1,000 pandas at this point Therefore, no one would allow her to feel unco when they toasted with her, "I'll finish it, but you only need to take a sip" Therefore, Gu Xijiu only took a sip

Gu Xijiu did not want to get drunk as she knew the aftermaths She knew that it was scary, and she did not want to einning, she only took a sip, but she ended up drinking quite a lot It was probably due to the heat from the campfire, the excite to her She drank one after another and eventually, Di Fuyi's i day today if she had not run away, and tonight should have been their wedding night It used to be the day that both of the? Was the wedding canceled? In the end, they were just nother, with a soft but ly heard Di Fuyi's voice