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Chapter 1118: Who Has Been Tricked?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The lady was only using a normal lute Hence, there were no specialFan also discovered that the lady only had a spiritual power of about level two as he was able to verify it when he caught her She was not a threat to him based on her spiritual power Therefore, he decided to let her stay

In fact, he was a fan of arts and music as he used to listen to a few plays and classical music when he was in the modern era However, he had become too obsessed with the scientific studies in this era to continue his hobby Though ood in ood attotime He asked, "What music can you play?"

The lady bowed and listed a few fa Fan simply picked one at randoan to play her lute

Gu Xijiu was amazed as she immediately knew that the lady was an expert after she had played for only a few seconds! The notes were lingering around her fingers, and thewater which was able to refresh a person'sa chilly forest fro to her ht it was even better than the ones she had listened to when she was in the iven a chance to hear such fantastic music She considered herself lucky to find soendary piece of iven her a chance because he was bored of waiting for the show to start However, he was now captivated by her

Initially, he was still upset and doubtful, but noas very happy with it Even his subordinates were enjoying the h once as they orried that they ht ruin the lovely melody

Gu Xijiu's gaze fell on her fingers which were playing the lute Her fingers were very elegant, but they were slightly bigger than usual Gu Xijiu then aze to the musician's hands and realized that thewhen it was coupled with the collision between her two bangles It was coer pair of hands However, Gu Xijiu felt it looked very familiar to her, but she could not recall where she had seen it before

She had a few fe hands, but their sizes were inco Fan was very observant Although he did not say anything, he was carefully watching the lady as he orried she enerally well-behaved and did not look suspicious, he suspected that heeven after playing two songs

Finally, she was done playing the lute Long Fan rewarded her with a big ingot as he wanted her to play another song He was very generous as the ingot was very heavy It was a considerable a, but she did not accept the ingot She pursed her lips and suddenly knelt in front of Gu Xijiu "Thank you old e (the lute player) appreciates your adies but could you saveFan frowned "What happened?"

The lady slowly explained while facing doards "A rich man in toanted to h I don't want tomy life miserable…"