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Chapter 253: Battle Achievements

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Once the military had located the queen, they would spare no expense at destroying it They would use the mass destruction weapon such as GBD if they could If they couldn't, such as at the areas where there were human settlements, they would send in the Expendables In ot sent in would never return, and only the luckiest ones would be able to kill the Zerg Queen at the cost of their lives

However, this time was different The soldiers held the Queen's pair of eyeballs while howling and cheering for the platoon that had entered the cave and ca that cave, I got a kid down there"

"Lieutenant, I aood job; you should be proud of hih lad It was he who distracted the s I think he is still alive"

"Corporal, let us go!"

All ed except for one But, all of the O's wound was thethe pink innards

Captain Sun Li considered Jansining's request for a while and agreed "Ender, dispatch two exterot a boy down there"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Jansining, take a rest We will handle the rest froo down there with them, please!"

"Take it easy, son You will only increase our risk down there" Ender pointed out the truth bluntly

Meanwhile, Wang Tong had already found his way out of the cave and found the human force He couldn't see his platoon until he saw a crowd of soldiers and heard the pushed the soldiers away and saw the fa was persuading Sun Li to allow hi's voice Jansining looked at Wang Tong in disbelief, "YouyouFor fck sake! it IS you!"

Jansining rushed to Wang Tong and e's teammates followed his lieutenant and lifted their hero up while cheering for his return Although he couldn't join his teahed with them The ninth platoon had made a miracle They had entered the queen's hive and killed the queen without losing a singleHe did it! He killed the Queen!" Jansining shouted at everyone "Hey everyone, this boy is our hero He killed the queen!"

Wang Tong's young age surprised Sun Li, as he shouted out "Bothers and sisters, it looks like our future is brighter than we thought! Let's kick ht off guard by the unwarranted credit and tried to explain what had happened, "No captain, I didn't kill the Queen It was lieutenant, it was lieutenant!"

Wang Tong shouted, but the thunderous cheers drowned his voice Soldiers stood on top of the tanks and the boulders as they waved their weapons and cheered for Wang Tong and the ninth platoon's perfect success