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Mu Wu continued, “After we break your curse, ill require you to tell us the ht also be a need for you to coarding that?”

The three individuals blinked their eyes rapidly to indicate that they had no problems with that

Very quickly, the scorpions cli every corner of their bodies

Along with the fingernail size Sesaed out that was attached to its legs and tail… the thin line was from within the bodies of the three individuals

When the Sesame Scorpion appeared, it climbed to the top of each person’s head, itAs it pulled, it ate the red string; fro for tenfrom the body of the trio

If the Sesas, they would likely be about a few th…

Mo Wu returned the three Sesa the acupuncture points of the three individuals

“The curse has been removed, speak…”

The three of the that ithin their body seemed to have totally disappeared; they were both happy yet insecure at the change

“I will speak, ill all tell you…”

Su Estate

This here the nu Cloud Ee amount of clanCloud Empire’s State Teacher Acade as State Teachers within the current State Teachers Academy The clan had also produced multiple empresses of the empire and could be said to be an absolutely unshakeable entity within Hanging Cloud Empire

Within the main courtyard of the Su Estate sat an elder as currently inally youthful looks had changed greatly His face was norinkled and darkened, like a dying old htened as he vons