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Chapter 1138 &8211; Two Weak Points

"An Inferior Legendary Treasure Chest in the Forging Hall?&8221; Shi Feng’s heart began beating rapidly when he heard this

In the past, he had never even seen an Epic Treasure Chest, only ever heard about it through ruendary Treasure Chests, their existence in God’s Domain was only player speculation Nobody would say for certain that such Treasure Chests even existed in the ga as one’s luck was not extreendary iteeration, a single Frage the fate of a player in God’s Doe Guilds were fully capable of obtaining Epic itee Guild possessed Fragendary items Even ten years after God’s Domain’s launch, first-rate Guilds only had a handful of such items at most Meanwhile, Guilds would definitely dispatch a lot of players to guard their experts wielding these Fragendary items

The reason for this was very sih their own experts possessed extreth, with appropriate counters, the enemy could still take them out Hence, these Guilds would dispatch expert tea

Even so, many such ambushes still occurred in God’s Doe Guilds were towards Fragendary items

Shi Feng never i the inner area of the Fallen Ark, he would actually co than the ru the ht, he found it reasonable

Back then, some people had already entered the Fallen Ark prior to the public’s discovery of it and had definitely cleaned out the treasures inside Moreover, the Super Guilds that had cleared out those ancient abyssal monsters must’ve looted the Ark as well By the time other players were able to swar were extre

Now that his team was the first to explore the Fallen Ark, it was not surprising that they caendary Treasure Chest, which he had never seen in the past

When everyone heard Fire Dance say so, flames of passion flared up in their eyes

Even Epic iteht now If they could obtain a Frager for Zero Wing

A those present, aside from Blackie, Aqua Rose, Gentle Snow, Fire Dance, and an extreendary item, everyone else believed that the best weapons and equip possessed were only of Epic rank

"What’s the situation over there?&8221; Shi Feng asked softly after cal himself

"There’s an extremely powerful trap set up around the Treasure Chest Further Hall, and both of theuardians protecting the Treasure Chest I don’t dare approach theht now, so I still can’t determine whether I can disable the trap&8221;

Fire Dance then took a picture of the Forging Hall and shared it through the tea had warned her that aside frouardian monsters Hence, she had taken notice of the two statues set up in the Forging Hall

After scrutinizing the picture, Shi Feng nodded and said, "Your judguardians Moreover, they’re not just any noruardians They’re Fossilized Tyrannosauruses, an Archaic Species&8221;

Shi Feng had seen the Fossilized Tyrannosaurus in the past Back then, a Super Guild had dispatched an army of ten thousand players, in addition to h the Super Guild ed to finish off the Archaic Species, it had suffered a casualty rate of over 80

"An Archaic Species? Isn’t that similar to the monster we encountered in Titan City’s entrance trial?&8221; Aqua Rose asked in shock

She had personally experienced the strength of an Archaic Species If not for the powerfulof Corrosion back then, they would not have had any chance of defeating it at all Yet, now, there were actually two suchwas surprised upon seeing this

According to the information he obtained, there should not be any other powerful monsters in the Fallen Ark’s inner area, aside from Special Lifeforms and those ancient abyssal monsters The sudden appearance of two Archaic Species was completely outside of his expectations

endary Treasure Chest was placed in such an eye-catching location </e

Archaic Species were stronger than even Special Lifeforms