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Practically every upper echelon was here; only a few preoccupied ular Burial’s co for so reached her seat, she noticed an additional, eular Burial This seat had been placed parallel to the Guild Leader’s seat…

Daybreak Fog wasn’t the only person ondered The rest of the upper echelons were also curious

In Heaven’s Burial, Singular Burial was their one and only leader He had single-handedly supported the entire Guild No one sat as his equal That hadn’t even changed when Blackwater’s Guild Leader, Abandoned Wave, had visited

After waiting for a little over tenopen

"Who is she?&8221;

Everyone turned towards the doors, discovering a peerless beauty The dazzling young woround, vividly highlighting her graceful curves The girl had silky black hair that reached her aist Every step she took felt as if she were stepping on their aspirations, inadvertently driving their gazes to the floor

<em>How does such a person exist in this world? </e’s eyes widened in shock She had never dreairl Even Daybreak Fog acknowledged that she was no irl’s beauty, and she could not help herself fro woman appeared, she had beco the Moon God’s Robes?&8221; the Cleric Fla woman’s luxurious, purple robes

When everyone else heard the coht not knohat the Moon God’s Robes were, but the equiph-class Auction House As Epic ranked4,000 Gold Its price could already rival that of an Epic Weapon In the end, however, a mysterious player had purchased it for 7,600 Gold

Many players had ridiculed this mysterious player After all, this player had spent so le piece of Epic Equipment Had that person spent a little more money, they could have afforded a major city’s Golden Land It would have been easy to earn back the cost then

They had never dreamed that such a peerless beauty had been the mysterious player who purchased the Moon God’s Robes

These Guild me to discover this beauty’s identity

However, even after using advanced Identification Skills, they had failed to learn anything

"Sorry for the delay I had soized after taking her seat

"Alright, since everyone is here, let me introduce you This is the Blackwater Corporation’s representative, Miss Ling Jingxuan She has coular Burial said, respect filling his voice as he introduced Ling Jingxuan

Although the introduction had been siular Burial’s respect for Ling Jingxuan was one thing, but they had not expected that their discussion would involve raiding Stone Forest Town…