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"Yes," we said in unison while I continued sizing hinized ht?

"Good" Ren took a seat "That will s so much easier, don’t you think, Ella?"

"Yes!" Ella, who I recognized as an agent, reached for Ren’s hand and squeezed "So good to see you"

They were of si about their kids

While I took a seat next to the handsoay? Take your pick"

"Bu to say sober" I smiled sweetly

He rolled his eyes "For the last tiay It was a mistake; if you knew my insane brother, you’d understand"

I held up my hands

"So does that work out?" Ren asked from the front of the table

"Er" I cleared my throat "Absolutely"

Handso attention Care to reiterate the conversation?" This he directed at me

I felt myself flush from head to toe

Ren slid a folder across the table "Everything should be there The contract isn’t your usual, Jordan"

I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing