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Fall Rachel Van Dyken 14980K 2023-08-31

"Umm…" I felt so weak -- why did I feel weak?

"It’s okay" He wrapped his arms aroundme steady as I swayed a bit "I’ll hold you until you want o"

I nodded and licked my lips "I think I’m okay"

"Are you sure?" His eyes were so clear, so… trustworthy When he said it was okay I actually believed that he meant it

I sed and answered, "Yes I’ an emptiness on hters pulled off his helmet and nodded at me "You were home alone?" His eyebrows furrowed "No friends, boyfriends, family, or pets?"

Okay, the way he said it est loser on the planet I almost lied and said I had an ant farm then realized that if that was the best lie I could co the aard silence

"Really?" Smith smirked "No one at all?"

I fought the urge to roll one for the next teeks and e"

His eyes softened briefly before he brushed his thue"

I sed nervously

"So no boyfriend?" He took a step closer "No one at all?"

"Smith!" another paramedic called "Do we need the ambulance?"

"No," he yelled back "I think she’ll be just fine"

I shivered and crossed my arms

Smith wrapped an arm around me and led me away from the house


"Any family nearby you can stay with?" he asked

And I was officially done with questions I was tired, a bit freaked out, and his questions just reminded me about how alone I really was in the world

"I--uain "I have a place to stay"

"You do?" He sounded disappointed

I stepped away from his warm arms and nodded "Yeah, it’s on the other side of the Prom" The rich side I didn’t say that, but it was true The Point, as I liked to call it, was a cliff that jutted out into the ocean It was beautiful, and I knew just the place I could stay

I clenched my phone in my hand as Smith’s eyes traveled slowly over enuinely concerned or checking ht," he said in an e you? No way aht after nearly being singed to death"

"Um, let me make a phone call really quick I don’t want to wake them up" The lie fell easily from my lips as I scurried away and quickly dialed Alyssa’s phone number My hands shook as I waited for Alyssa to answer