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"You don’t have--"

"I’ you to the car"

"Okay" Her chin lifts with challenge "You have hten and so doesas I have your perivesaccustomed to, she seems to expect rab her and pull her to the elevator and upstairs, where I can punish her with pleasure forto chase her

Once we’re outside, and a driver opens the door to the black sedan I’ve hired as her ride ho to the hospital in the , and I have to pick up ht with rab her and pull her to me "You’ll let me?"

She blinks up at me, and I watch the emotions flicker over her face, froe "If you ask nicely," she assures me, and no matter how coolly she tries to deliver the words, she can’t hide the breathless quality to her voice

"I wonder if you’d ask nicely?" I’ the car, and I know she knows it

Her lips curve into a teasing s closer to the car "I wonder" She slides into the backseat and the driver shuts the door behind her

I don’tback at ive her The car pulls away fro at ain, I turn away and head into the hotel Alone I am alone It has never httonight I hate it

Once I’ I do is calland my father sounds like utter shit He’s exhausted and worried, and for the first tiht I pace the roo absolutely no effect Chris’s advice sucked I go to my suitcase and open it On top is a red leather journal and a small velvet box I take them both to the bed and set thee to open the box to stare at the rose-shaped ring nestled in the black velvet The one Rebecca had hen she’d been my submissive I want to flush it down the toilet, as much as I want to cherish it forever It is a part of her, but it’s also the symbol of what led to her destructionour bond

I sit down on the bed, open the journal, and start to read I know it’s not a good idea, but I can’t seem to help myself And damn if I don’t hear Rebecca’s voice in my head He is my Master, the one who commands me, but he is so much more to me Am I foolish to believe I am more than a sub to him? Am I insane to believe that deep beneath his hard surface he e and heard it as if she were reading it toone of her journals under the o, when she’d left toith anotherhad been mine, not hers, even when she’d lived with ret about the past that I can now never mend She deserved better than ive her, yet I selfishly called her back to San Francisco, knowing I could never be all she wanted me to be She would never have been attacked had I not done such a thing I’d been the end of her Never again will I pull so in the experience

My thoughts go to Crystal, and my new resolve forms I won’t touch her

It simply can’t happen I won’t let it

No uilt over Rebecca and ery, sleep is nearly i I’m not likely to leave the hospital today, I dress in boots, jeans, and a brown Riptide T-shirt Re the colder East Coast weather, I slip on a brown leather jacket

Crystal is waiting for me in the lobby when I step off the elevator Dressed in dark blue jeans, a pale blue silk blouse, boots, and a black leather jacket, with two coffee cups in her hands, it’s clear she doesn’t plan to head to Riptide today, which pleasescare of business

She gives my similar attire an open inspection and smiles "I like you like this," she says "Less ‘master,’ more man" I stiffen at the " to read her Does she know more about me than I think she does? And, holy hell, do my parents? She thrusts the cup at me "White mocha"

I reach for the coffee, unsure of what she knows I a with this woman, I barely knowhad anyone assuet the chance to assume with me

She nods and sips from her drink "My favorite, and all macho alpha men like you have a secret softer side and a sweet tooth It’s part of the breed"

She’s dead-on I have a major sweet tooth, but I don’t adle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">