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Holy Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
He’s so fucking toned it’s crazy Jeez, his muscles bunch and stretch as he pulls on the wrench in his hand
"Come on, you motherfucker," heout loud
"So, what seems to be the proble ine when his head whips up to look at rin
"I didn’t hear your car," heand look back down into the bowels of his Jeep "What’s wrong with your car?"
"You walked from your house?" he asks incredulously
"No" I shake my head and chuckle "Fro"
He stands up straight and leans his pal me My eyes i its way down his hard chest
"You had coffee with Cara?" He s shyly "I’m sorry to just stop by like this I was out for a walk and just sort of found myself here" I feel my cheeks heat and I back away, but he shakes his head and slad you came by" He raises his brows as I continue to stare
I shake
"Why are you laughing?" he asks with a wide grin
"Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without a shirt I didn’t realize the tats went all the way up your arht that under it all you’re just a bad boy?"
His eyes flash with heat as he narrows the out of his back pocket and begins wiping off his hands, but his gray eyes stay on mine Did I offend hi, Lauren" He smirks as he lowers the hood on his Jeep "But froht now, you don’t see nonchalantly and try to ignore the way my heart picks up speed as he slowly saunters around the hood of the vehicle
"Do you have any tats?"
His eyes widen in surprise and then rake overthis flirtatious banter "Here and there"
"I have ways of hts and rubber hoses?" I ask with a raised brow
He tosses his head back and laughs, an all-out belly laugh "I’et to see theently on the forehead, not touching me anywhere else
"I hope someday co back and s you, but I’h I don’t mind so ?" I gesture to the car
"Changing the oil"
"There are places you can go," I inforht face, "where you pull into this big garage, and then you leave your car and go into this sazines and stale coffee, and the people there will change your oil for you"
"Or, smart-ass, I can do it
"Did you sleep okay on the couch?" he asks, changing the subject