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"I knoing hard, Rasha turned away When she lazed her eyes "It’s her only shot at getting away from Shadon, Hunter" Now her voice was strained, al to convince the Tseeveyo was for the best "Without me there… I don’t think she’ll survive"

"And you think she’ll fare better with Tseeveyo?"

"He won’t kill her," she said urgently "He’d be a fool to risk my father’s wrath"

Hunter doubted there’d be any wrath, but whatever "What if she were offered a purebloodwill swayanother ot killed" Yeah, he really appreciated the reiance to my father"

If Rasha had whipped out a pistol and shot him in the chest, he couldn’t have been as shocked Clan leaders iance to another


To do so was to give up authority and lose independence So why in the hell would Tseeveyo, leader of the third-largest clan on the West Coast, swear to follow Kars?

"Surely you see the iernails on the desk "War with the humans is only a matter of time, and vampires need to join forces"

The big picture was starting to become clear, and Hunter had to hand it to Kars – he wasn’t a fool He was getting the clans in line by strategically placing his daughters Did he have alternative plans to bring other clans under his thuerous now, but if he had more than one clan at his side, no clan in the world would challenge him

More than ever, Hunter had to prevent an alliance between Shadon and NightShade "What if the thing Tseeveyo wants Aylin for was taken away?"

"Her virginity?" Rasha shook her head "Who would fk her?"

I would And according to Riker, so would everyone else in the clan Another growl bubbled up "Let’s just say it happened"

She rolled one shoulder in a skeptical shrug "My father would deate the deal, but do you really want to face ive a shit about this, anyway?" she asked "Sohters We’ll have to make political decisions based on what’s best for the clan"

Screw that He braced his forearot, real clearly, how he felt about this subject "We won’t be having any children, and even if we did, I would never send a child of ain friends and allies"

One blond eyebrow cocked up "And that is why my father considers you to be a weak leader"

"And I consider hilared "Tell me, do you think I’m a poor leader? Are you ashamed to take me as a mate? Maybe you’d rather have Tseeveyo?"

"Don’t be absurd He keeps a hareave him a pointed look "Or mistresses"

No, he didn’t plan to take mistresses He’d seen what his mother had done to so Rasha would make his mother’s bloodbaths see some buttons

"You know the law," he drawled, with the nonchalance of soe of said law

"Of course," she snapped "After theceremony, a clan chief can announce his intention to take more mates or to sleep with a mistress The feht hiulped a drink and then leaned toward hiht until every one of round If you want mistresses, you’re out of luck I will destroy every female I merely think you want"

And that, he kneould include Aylin


Moon fever had a different vibe at MoonBound than it did at Shadon, and even though it wasn’t night yet and things could change, Aylin could only marvel at how h, sure, and tehts break out, three of the three females But there were no serious injuries and, better yet, none of the bloodsport events that had always haunted Aylin

Rasha was probably right about Aylin being the worst va the last of the dishes in Rasha’s kitchen sink, her sister came out of the bathroom in a slinky leather dress that didn’t leave a lot to the i neckline would allow Hunter to feed froe up, and the crotch-short hemline would allow him to feed from her femoral artery – or to put hisher dress at all

Aylin wanted to throw up

Two more weeks, she told herself Two more weeks, and then I’ll be out of here If Riker and Nicole’s plan worked, she wouldn’t be expected to o home to Shadon

Except she wouldn’t She didn’t care if she had to spend the rest of her life leaping through portals and scrounging for food where she could She would not go ho like Tseeveyo

Rasha rushed over and took a wet glass from Aylin’s hand "I told you not to cleanwith Hunter on Salass back "I don’t have anything else to do"

Rasha let out a frustrated curse, but relented "What happened during Samnult’s trials, anyway? I know you aren’t supposed to talk about it, but Hunter says you fought well"

Grabbing a dry towel, Aylin wiped down the glass with short, brisk strokes

I saw Hunter naked I practically begged him to have sex with me But don’t worry, he turned me down Aylin settled for a clipped "I did what I had to do"

"Well," Rasha said softly, "whatever you did, I’, you wouldn’t be

Shifting gears, Rasha strutted over to the full-length mirror on the bathroom door and struck a few slinky poses "What are your plans for tonight?"

Oh, I’er "Nothing"

"Why don’t you join the other fe to watch some sappy romantic comedy in the common room"