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"Very olden hair inside the hood, she started walking again "You?"

He shook his head "I can read, but I’uy" He offered her a hand to leap a narrow stream, but she waved him off and carefully stepped on stones to cross "Do you like ht a human movie device to the clan, but my father broke it" Her voice took on a bitter note "People were getting toothe opportunity to dig a little deeper, he asked, "And you don’t agree?"

She appeared to consider that "I think," she said slowly, "that when leaders control what their people see, hear, and do, they create an environs turn mean for a reason"

Either Aylin was a whole lot s Hunter what he wanted to hear In any case, he’d be wise to not underesti," he pointed out

"My clan follows the Way of the Raven I don’t" She glanced over at him "Do you follow the Way of the Raven or the Way of the Crow?"

"Crow," he said, but both were bullshit

The inal twelve vains and hide the truth To this day, many believed the story of how a raven and a crow battled atop the bodies of two dead Indian chiefs until the blood of all four led and the chiefs rose as vaht the raven and crow fable was a load of crap sought answers in the scientific theory that involved a mutated virus within the Native American community Which was true Scientists just didn’t know that the virus had originated with a demon named Samnult

"Rasha won’t like that," Aylin elical as my father"

Not a surprise That Aylin didn’t feel the sa with him

"What can you tell me about your sister?" he asked

Aylin jammed her hands into her coat pockets "She’s older thanfor, but okay"

She sighed "Why don’t you just ask ?"

Well, she’d called hi around the bush anyasn’t sure why he’d even gone down that road "Is she bitter about thisa lover behind at Shadon?"

Aylin took a long time to consider her anshich didn’t bode well "Bitter? No As for lovers… I don’t know"

She was lying, but he couldn’t expect anything else fro to protect her twin Or from a Shadon clan member

"Are you bitter?" She scooped up a handful of snow and ate a bite "Or giving up a lover?"

Fuck yes, he was extre what I have to do in order to protectup all his lovers

He knewhis father, who either had multiple mates or one mate and multiple lovers, but Hunter had always believed that a leader was strongest when his attentions were focused only on one mate And since he would never tolerate another male with his female, he couldn’t be a hypocrite

No matter howAylin


"We’re alned a set out of the cold, but for some reason, she dreaded their arrival at MoonBound

"You must be anxious to see your sister"

"Of course," she said, but her response was enuine She cared about Rasha, but the thought of seeing her sister with Hunter made Aylin’s stomach sour

They dropped into a narrow valley, and ahead, standing in a group near a cliff ofRiker Draped in rich furs, Rasha stood apart from them like an ice queen, her expression carefully neutral, her posture stiff

Riker acknowledged Aylin with the shallowest of nods, and she wondered whether he held his brutal treath she’d done nothing to cause him pain In fact, she’d helped his fe back as Hunter broke away to meet Rasha Rasha watched him approach, and Aylin didn’t like the calculation – and hunger – that gleamed in her sister’s eyes

"Rasha" He halted a couple of feet away, and Aylin experienced a sha at Rasha the way she was looking at him, as if she couldn’t wait to see hi "Hunter"

Fat snowflakes began to fall froestured to Aylin "Obviously, I’ve met your twin sister"

Rasha waved her hand dismissively "Second-born"

Hunter’s full lips curved into a tight s firstborn That would have been a disaster"

His sarcasm was lost on Rasha, who nodded as if she’d just saved hi social faux pas

"Did she tell you she’s staying until after the estured for them to follow "Come on The entrance to our warren is just a few yards away We’ll have a celebratory meal prepared for your arrival"