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Rogue Rider Larissa Ione 30690K 2023-08-31


Jillian’s friend Stacey was a hardass Reseph had decided within thirty seconds that he didn’t like her He did, however, approve of her as a friend for Jillian Reseph was sure the cop had clawed her way out of some bitter acid pit in hell, but he couldn’t fault her protectiveness of her friend

She’d walked into Jillian’s house like she owned it, gave Reseph the evil eye, and then interrogated him as if he were the prime suspect in a plot to assassinate the president Whoever the president was Not Washington, apparently

It wouldn’t have surprised Reseph if Stacey had broken out a bamboo cane and a pair of pliers for the next level of questioning When he told her as much, she’d been less than amused

No sense of humor, that one

He’d left Jillian and Stacey alone for a few h the kitchen When he went back into the living room where Jillian and Stacey were seated on the couch, it ith a cup of hot tea Crouching at her knee, he put the ," he said softly "Drink"

Her startled eyes snapped up to his, and he was glad to see that at least they’d lost the stunned glaze The Wilsons’ deaths had hit her hard, and he’d seen how difficult listening to Stacey question hiraced him with a smile that made his pulse kick up a notch before she turned to her friend "Stace, why are you handling all of this? Shouldn’t the state police be in charge of the investigation?"

Stacey shifted and averted her gaze, and yeah, that chick was hiding so on this," Stacey finally said She paused for a few taut seconds before she continued in a low, conspiratorial voice "We’re supposed to keep this under wraps, but there are paranors"

Jillian’s hand shook so hard that tea sloshed over the riht you said animals were responsible"

"From what I understand, it’s just a precaution" Stacey eyed Reseph as he grabbed a napkin and mopped tea off Jillian’s arm "I haven’t seen either crime scene, but I’d feel better if you came into town and stayed with me"

"I can’t leave the animals," Jillian said

Reseph took the cup froo with Stacey I can take care of the farm"

"No!" Jillian’s voice was little ain Do you understand that? That… thing… will not win You can both go to hell if you think I’ away--"

"Hey" Reseph took her hand, and when she jerked out of his grip, he took it again,you to run anywhere" He slid Stacey a give ht now look, and she did "If you want to stay, I’ll stay with you"

Jillian’s face flushed, and he had a feeling she was a little embarrassed by her outburst She didn’t need to be She clearly was harboring a trau hot The release of stea

Stacey pushed to her feet "I need to get back, but Jill, you know if you need anything…" She left the rest unsaid, the bond between the two friends needing nothing further

"Thanks" Jillian gave her friend a fragile srabbed her parka and shot Reseph a ful stare "Care to walk me to my car?"

It wasn’t a question It was an order full of do it or I’ll shoot you subtext The wouns, didn’t they? Sexy as hell

Jillian huffed "Stacey--"

"It’s okay," Reseph said, heading off any tension "I’ll be right back"

He followed Stacey out to her police cruiser, where she rounded on him, a bundle of brunette fury

"Listen up, whoever you are Jillian has been through hell, and it’s only been in the last couple of months that she’s co around here like soe"

Mangy? And he really wanted to knohat kind of hell Stacey was talking about in regards to Jillian "It was a demon, wasn’t it?"

"That killed the Bjornsens and Wilsons? I don’t know"

"No That put Jillian through the hell you just mentioned"