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"Thank God," Ettore aze turbulent with stifled fury "What about your visions, Bella? Did you never see any hint of your brother’s troubles in your scrying bowl?"

She shook her head "I don’t see visions that relate to myself or the people I care for My ability has never worked like that"

Which hy she’d never seen Ettore either, although it hadn’t stopped her froone But her scrying had never found him

Not even as he’d planned for and carried out his attack on Vito Massioni

She dearly hoped Ettore had been successful, because if Massioni were alive to get his hands on her now, his punishment would be beyond brutal

Ettore’s reed to leave, no matter what your family wanted It wasn’t their decision to one" He reached over and stroked her cheek "I should’ve come back for you, Bella I’ no aniratitude And an affection that went far deeper than that

Far deeper than the desire she felt si touch lingering against her face

"You’re here now," she said, pressing a soft kiss to the center of his palht as her lips ratefulness and caring, but she felt the jolt of awareness too

Her chest tightened, heat spreading across her breasts, licking down to her core

Oh, yes, she still cared for him

She wanted him

Memories of stolen kisses and secret, tender eht with Ettore, naked in each other’s arms, but she had held it close to her heart ever since

Neither the cruelty of ti she felt for hi deepen It had only nize how keenly she had felt his loss all this time

And how profoundly happy she was to be reunited with him now

Even if in a shadowed corner of her heart she dreaded that fate wasn’t nearly finished with thee didn’t kno he’d ed to endure more than an hour in the truck, seated so close to Bella Her thigh had rested against his the whole trip, contact that had distracted him, soothed him…aroused him beyond reason