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"I was going to go to the library," I said, but when I checked the clock, I realized daas approaching "But the night has wasted away again"
"I talked to Paige while you were gone, h his tousled curls "Frankly, Sentinel, I don’t think your being there would have made much of a difference She’s stuck, too Said the equations still aren’t ht Not that that helps with the scope of our problem Just increases it"
"I’ve asked Catcher to spread the word a the sups, have them alert us if so, but Chicago’s an enorot the basics," he said "Wouldn’t have been fair to keep the infor they juan House--more Hufflepuff to our Gryffindor--but we could use the extra bodies"
I just stared at him "Harry Potter? Really?"
"Those books are quality, Sentinel You should read them"
He said it like he was the first person to discover the books, to realize they were good I decided not to mention my first editions
"I’ll make a note of it," I said "Oh, and Annabelle saw the sorcerer" I passed along the minimal details she’d been able to see, my curiosity about the man at La Douleur
"Lots of va" Suddenly exhausted, I rose "I’ht track," Luc said "You’ll both feel a lot better"
"Bang his brains out," Lindsey offered helpfully froies, Sentinel My girlfriend is crude"
"And you love it," she said
"Good luck, Sentinel," Luc said "Our wands are up for you"
I didn’t think that quite sounded the way he’d meant it to
• • •
When I walked into our apartments, Ethan stood at his bureau If circumstances had been different, I’d have teased him about Mallory, the fact that she no about the maybe-baby That would raise the specter of baby showers, cribs, and godparents, which would have flustered hiht then
I took off my clothes, washed my face, and slid into pajamas He did the same, sat down on his side of the bed just as I’d sat down on mine The as invisible, but it was there "They know of theoff the bedside light and slipping ress Perhaps we’ll all feel better if we ress"
I wasn’t sure if he meant himself or me or both of us Either way, the sun rose before I could ask the question
Our dusk ive everyone tian House Preparations ell under hen I headed downstairs Luc was updating the whiteboard while Margot set out bottles of water and a tray of snacks Ethan talked with Malik near the bookshelves on the left-hand side of the room, away from the flurry of activity