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Home JA Huss 14240K 2023-08-31

I hate reading Twitter conversations because you get the laston until you hunt down the original e Which doesn’t seem to be included in this set of tweets

I close out of that one and go down further, to tweets h a hundred es before I find the one that sparked this convo It was five hours ago and it caht there should tellabout me, I need to see it

Editor Realreporter00 - 5 hrs

Who wants to see FilthyBlueBird doing the dirty solo for her oods Twitter pics are not private, Blue Bird

Holy fuck I want to stop h every single notification looking for the "goods" but after hours of searching--like seriously, it’s after eight and the only reason I stop is because I hear the garage door open--I don’t find anything

I do find several dozen references in the Buzz Hollywood feed to the Black Bash, which is happening this Friday

Were they lying? Do they have these pictures or not? I’d forgotten all about that night ere phone- and Twitter-sexing back in Denver It feels like years ago How could I have known back then what hn calls out as he enters froe I slap the cover closed on the tablet and stick it behind a cushion He rounds the corner just as I cross , Princess?"

"Waiting for you to get horins widely at me and then joins me on the couch "Imy neck


And before I can even tell hiot his hand up my shirt

I should tell him about the pictures, but hell, I just want to soak up his attention I’ot us reservations at Mastro’s" He kissesa twisty little dance inside et me out of this house"

He scoops e door, then bends down "Grab those flip flops"

"I can’t go like this!"

"Hell, yes, you can I’ for steak And you, sweets I need nourishht die Grab therab the flops and he sweepsthe seatbelt across h He’s so perfect

And I don’t want to ruin our night with talk of the media, so I’ll tell him about the tweets tomorrow

I just want to enjoy my fairytale life for now