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Hold Me Susan Mallery 14190K 2023-08-31

Destiny nodded slowly "I know But I haven’t figured out how to make that work yet My job requires nment that coverson"

"Whichschool practical," he said "Does she like it?"

"She hasn’t really said You’re right We need to talk more so she can feel safe The whole conversation about Carter really threw me"

"I’m sure they’re just friends"

"That’s what she said Six weeks ago I barely kneho she was Now this It’s too much"

Instinctively, he pulled her close She went easily into his arether He breathed in the scent of her hair and enjoyed the waro

He knew not to read too , and he was an available shoulder But he found he liked being Destiny’s shoulder to lean on, at least for theon Emotionally if not physically

"Making friends with people her own age is the best thing for her right now," he said "So she can feel like she belongs"

Destiny nodded "She did seem really happy yesterday when she cahter about her age Why don’t I call Ethan and see if we can set soht of The Man Cave opening? The girls can go to aout You can co away froive you both perspective"

She gave hi"

"But you’ll adood idea?"

She paused for a second, then nodded "It’s a very good idea"


DESTINY SAT IN the living roo a lot of thinking about what had gone wrong between the had really helped She appreciated how nice he’d been about the whole thing She tried to remember the last time she’d had someone to lean on, however briefly, and couldn’t think of when it had happened Because she didn’t have friends, she realized Her friendships were of the brief, teood reasons She was always leaving for the next assignreat idea in theory, in practice itover, and she had no real continuity in her life Not emotionally Not only was that not particularly healthy, it was also kind of lonely So she hadn’t seemed to notice until the bloith Starr

She hadn’t had anyone to call No one to talk things over with She could have phoned her ive advice under the circuhter and stayed in touch, but Destiny didn’t think herher ex-husband and one of his s--she barely knew so had been an unexpected rock

The front door opened, and Starr walked in Unlike the previous night, she didn’t look the least bit enthused or happy She glanced at Destiny then away But instead of heading directly for her room, she sat on the sofa and stared at her hands

"Hoas your day?" Destiny asked