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Hold Me Susan Mallery 15270K 2023-08-31

Kipling’s expression turned pained "We can talk about that, if you’d like--"

"And then you’ll say no" She stood, as did Gladys "We want an adventure this suive it to us, we’ll find someone ill That’ll show you e’re capable of"

The two older wo When they’d left, a tall woman stood She wore a dark blue T-shirt with FGFD enant

"Don’t let theet you down," she said "They love to make trouble I’m Charlie Stryker, by the way Fool’s Gold Fire Depart Most of us on the departn releases so the HR department can link our work shift information to your database That way you’ll knoho’s available when People tend to get lost when it’s least convenient to everyone else"

A couple of police officerstook down the names of the two departments’ human resources contact and pro, they had dozens of volunteers

"You’re not going to have any trouble filling positions," Destiny said when she and Kipling walked off the stage

"Good to know" He nodded at her "I’o talk to Charlie before she leaves I’ll see you around"


Destiny’s brain was pleased by his all-business attitude She’d s very clear and appreciated how he’d obviously listened The rest of her was just a little crabby that he seeotten over her so quickly And that there wasn’t going to be any s like sexual attraction messed with theon the ers here," Destiny said, shifting Starr’s fingers on the fretboard "Press firht that you exhaust yourself You don’t need a death grip"

Starr ers "Like this?"

"That’s it How are your fingers?"

They’d been playing for nearly an hour already Starr had ignored her offer to help her learn to play guitar for a week But at six-thirty that , her sister had approached her Destiny had been surprised, but pleased

"Sore," Starr adets better" She glanced at the clock "We have to get going or you’ll be late for caht Eventually, you’ll build up calluses but until then you can use ice or soak thehed "I’ll start with ice I don’t want h You ready?"

Starr put down the guitar and nodded She was already dressed in jeans and a jacket It would war, especially up in the mountains

"You have sunscreen and insect repellent?" Destiny asked "They’re giving you lunch"

"I have everything, and if I don’t, I’ll text you"