Page 17 (1/2)

Hold Me Susan Mallery 14830K 2023-08-31

"Centuries ago, a group of Mayan worated north to this part of the country," Patience said with a grin "They set up a , but I think their power, or whatever you want to call it, lingers"

"I’m sure it does," Larissa said "Haven’t you ever walked into a place and just known it had a happy vibe? Or an evil one?"

Several of them nodded A waitress walked up to the table, a notepad in her hands "Hi, everyone," she said, then looked at Destiny and Starr "You two are new Sisters?"

"Half," Destiny said and introduced them

"I’m Jo Welcohed "It’s been a long week I vote for in"

Everyone nodded eagerly

"My only appoint," Madeline said "I’m in"

"I’ ’em by the pitcher, Jo"

Destiny was both shocked and aht, even as she wondered at the wisdo Still, it was Saturday, and it wasn’t like she had to drive

"Will do," Jo told theo with that?"

"You know it," Larissa said

Jo nodded and left When she was gone, Patience leaned in and lowered her voice "Has anyone seen the inside of The Man Cave yet?"

"You have got to let that go," Consuelo told her "Businesses are allowed to open"

"But this one is different"

Madeline nodded "There’s going to be trouble"

"What are you talking about?" Destiny asked

Madeline glanced over her shoulder, then returned her attention to the group "There’s a new bar opening in town"

Destiny waited for the rest of the announce else

"Okay," she said slowly "And that’s bad why?"

"Because Jo’s Bar is the bar in town Now there will be two That’s not how things work here"