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"Whoa--" he groaned His eyes opened, then shut tightly against whaton?"
"Lie back down!" one of the doctors ordered, but Nadia could tell she was relieved, as were all the other medical staff in the room
Mateo stared past the sea of doctors toward her "Nadia?"
A nurse finally saw them "Excuse me, no visitors You’ll have to step outside"
"You’re okay, Mateo!" Nadia called to him even as the nurse pushed the to be fine!"
As they were finally edged out, they almost backed into Alejandro Perez, who looked petrified "Please--my son--"
"He’s awake and responsive," the nurse said "We’ll tell you more e can Wait out here"
"He’s awake?" Mr Perez repeated Relief o almost slack "Madre de Dios"
Nadia nodded quickly "He woke up while they were in there Sat up and kneho I was and everything"
Apparently Mr Perez was too overwheler would have been in the ER in the first place "You’re sure?"
"It’s all going to be okay" It was the kind of thing people said even when they couldn’t be sure, so Nadia could get aith it; she did know for sure but couldn’t explain how she knew And Ginger looked as confused as she did
"I’ve been working hi him too hard, after he skipped a week of school Wanted to--to straighten hiood kid The first time he ran a little wild, I drove him to this"
"No, no! It wasn’t your fault," Nadia insisted, thinking, It’s mine "Please don’t blame yourself"
He patted her shoulder absentood of you both to come But I--I need to talk to the doctors now"
"Of course Go," Nadia said Next to her, Ginger nodded