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"Well?" Judah asked, and I could feel Prophet Cain’s eyes onme to confess I remained quiet I simply did not care what they did to me Trial or no trial, I was done with it all, with this beauty that lured uised as a "Lord’s Sharing" was rape I now understood what rape was

Prophet Cain sighed in defeat Standing up, he looked to his brother "You are the Inquisitor, Judah I wash " Prophet Cain looked to Micah and said in a cutting voice, "Maybe you are right after all, brother Maybe she is beyond salvation"

Prophet Cain walked off and ascended a large set of stairs, disappearing froht, but I frohen I saw his reflection in the opposite nearbyHe had stood with his back against the wall, tipped his head back, spun around and sent his fist into the white wall His burst of rage startled me, but I did not have much time to think it over Brother Judah, Brother Luke, Brother Micah, and most hurtful of all, h, I had come to realize this man was not a father to me He had no care in his soul for me

Brother Judah looked to Micah "Gather the people Theyharlot of Satan We shall take her to circle We shall try her for the witch she is"

The croas on their feet as I was tied by my wrists, each ars at ry faces red as Judah and Micah introduced ht fleeing The Order, after being saved by Brother Micah" Gasps of shock echoed around the clearing Men and wo the children’s faces fro within her convinced her run from the Lord’s salvation And as a oht Instead, she chose the path of darkness"

The people’s attention was rapt on Judah as he kneeled byback my hair so ned so er over h to entice any e, frah, yet not too defined Her chin is s a softer appearance, and her lips are full and plue Men will be driven crazy by this face"

Judah got to his feet, pulling on my hair so I scrambled to my feet Brother Micah moved behind me and immediately sliced down the back ofthe slip at the back, theto my shape

Men in the crowd stared upon e "Ah, my brothers, I see the siren’s call has pulled you in For her body was created to cause lust in the hearts of men"

Judah’s hand started at my shoulders, then slowly drifted down "Her shoulders are feht back bile as Judah’s large hand cuppedat my nipple

His hand then dropped to my waist "Her waist is s to hips that flare and welcohs"

Judah releasedmy wrists

"Many have been tempted by this woman, this whore" Judah looked behind him at the council of elders "Step forward if this woman has cast her spell upon you"

Brother Micah stepped forward, then Brother Luke, and finally,their weakness Judah stepped to the edge of the raised stage "And brothers who gaze upon this wo at this Cursed, wishing you could join with her, taste her, touch her"

Tre, I lifted my chin only to witnessforward Tears that I had been too numb to produce tumbled down my cheeks Curse this face! Curse this body!

Judah spread his arht we shall rid this woman of her evil forever!"

Brother Micah appeared atme bare to the crowd Some of the men become crazed with lust as they stared at my naked flesh

"Brother Micah! Retrieve the lash!" Judah ordered, and I heard Brother Micah pick up so off the floor Hot breath was suddenly at my ear, and Micah said, "This is my retribution, Delilah You too shall be scarred… if you do not die first"