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"It is not that I do not understand the worship elereat fence… outside of The Order Is that what you are telling me?"

"Well, now it’sfro back panic, I said, "Prophet David told us ere the last people on Earth ere faithful to God, that all on the outside were evil sinners that rejected the Lord and his ated from the outside, to protect our beliefs from those who live to destroy us"

Ky’s face contorted into anger "Lilah, there’s a ious folk are everywhere, of all kinds of faiths Prophet David was lying outta his wrinkled loose ass"

"But how… I…" I trailed off, unknowing how to defendthe evidence of his untruth with my own eyes

Ky’s hand brushed back a loose strand of hair that had come free from my headdress, and he tucked it back behindtears were gliding down esture and touch surprised me

Ky’s thumb wipedto believe it, but notsaid is true"

"No…" I tried to argue, but Ky’s sympathetic eyes made me stop I suddenly felt hot and pains stabbed at my chest My hand lifted to rub at the sternum, but I found no relief

"Lilah?" Ky asked, worried, and I shuffled unco its hold

"I cannot breathe," I said shrilly "I feel that I cannot breathe!"

"Fuck," Ky hissed and pressed a button on the side of his door Thebesideair immediately calmed me down

My head sank to the doorframe and I closed my eyes… and that is when I heard it, the blissful sounds of the Lord’sfrom the church With a co despair to cherishing the melodic hymns

"Beautiful," I hushed out

"Gospel," Ky said in response "Gospel music, choirs It’s pretty damn popular ‘round these parts"