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Flawed Love Bella Jewel 16400K 2023-08-31

Dinner? His place? He’s never taken me to his place He’s never asked me on a date My heart swells

"You want to takehis lips to ht ere casual"

"Maybe I’ into o"

Oh My God I a inside, but I keep it cool and srin and he winks atsure oes back to the bar, puts on his char with pride as I take hi how he interacts with these people He’s made for it, even if he doesn’t see it

"You know hieousbeside ood looking And huge Soback through town, thought I’d come and say hello"

"Oh, well, I’m umhis" I trail off, because I don’t kno to answer that The et it I’ out and taking his hand, shaking it

"Good to meet you, Mali Any friend of Rainer’s is a friend of s "I have It’s a lot of fun I’"

"Fun?" I giggle "Fighting is fun?"

His grin gets bigger, and he’s got dimples Holy shit Di beaten up?"

He chuckles "No, I like the adrenaline It’s good stress relief"

"Whatever you say, dude"


We both turn to see Rainer approaching, dishtowel thrown over his shoulder, bottle of whiskey in his hands He looks a and extending his hand

"Haven’t seen you for a bit Where’d you get to?"

"Had to get out of town, you know? Just passing through I’ll be gone in a few hours"

"Sit down Let ets hilass in front of his been, buddy?" Raide asks, and I s to them catch up

It’s nice


I turn at the sound of , her hands in the air, happy as can be, but Pippa looks sad She’s not s is definitely off I stand and walk over, hugging Belle and then turning to Pippa "Hey, Pip, are you okay?"

She looks up and forces a smile "Sure," she croaks

I put an arm around her shoulders "Are you sure?"