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"You’re the best lay I’ve hadsinceI can’t even remember"
I blink The bestlay
"Lay?" I say, ain, fucking things up"
"It’s okay," I say, waving a hand "I’m flatteredI think"
His lips quirk "Anyway, I’ here, but for so to stop I can’t proive, but I want to keep"
"Fucking me?"
His eyes flash "Yeah"
"Well, it’s your lucky day, handso the old rusty set "I’m happy to keep it up, too"
I so ahead and tellyou’ve never told anyone else," I say to Rainer, that night inand slow, and noe’re tucked in each other’s ar any h to stay, and I’le
He grunts "Fuck yeah They’re awful"
"Do you scream and run around, hands in the air?"
He pinchesclose to lad I entertain you"
"You just don’t seeoes quiet for a moment "You’d be surprised"
"I think I would," I ad story behind your eyes, Rainer One day, you ht want to tellto brush it off again, but he starts speaking "I was sold as a slave"
My entire body jerks in his arht of a thousand different scenarios, but never, not ever did I think so like that had happened to him My blood runs cold A slave? He doesn’tslave"
"Rainer," I breathe
"That’s how I asp
"Yeah," he says, his voice thick "We met and became close while ere there"
"I’m so sorry II neverhow did you end up like that?"
He starts playing absently with a strand ofpeople, and as a debt repayment, I was sold to a tobacco farm somewhere in Mexico I was there more than five years"
Oh God Poor Rainer My poor, beautiful Rainer
"And Pippa?"
"She had a really hard life and got sold for much the same reason We were thrown in with each other and over the years, we became all the other person had The scars onher"
Tears start flowing now, and I can’t stop them I never realized Rainer had led such a hard life I never realized he had been through so h? What kind of pain must he have endured?