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‘There, see’ Sam joins the persuasion party ‘We’ll stay and Drew can take you ho leaving, so just stop it!’ I look straight to Jesse, waiting for ently ‘We’ll stop, but please eat, Ava’

‘Kate,’ I sigh tiredly, trying my hardest not to lose my temper ‘I’ve eaten some salad’

‘Fine,’ She stands, clearly frustrated, and returns to the others ‘I don’t knohat else to do’ She steps into Sam’s arms when he opens them Drew looks at h ti with a woman who used him to try and trap my husband I’ve heard the odd word from Kate when she’s tried to distract me with conversation, but I don’t know the full story I do know that Drew has coh Not to Coral, just the baby, a coiven how she’s deceived hi to the others and virtually pushing the to be courteous enough to croak a goodbye before returning all of my attention to Jesse

My head rests back down on the bed, and I fight the heaviness of est tihe askstactics And he’s touchingmy messy, naturally dried hair, but in my dreae pants and one of his worn t-shirts, the one that I told my mum to retrieve from the laundry basket and which I’ve not replaced in all the ti every hter, passion and frustrations Every word exchanged and every touch between us is on replay through ether and each time our lips havefro with every pace he took towards me until his scent saturated me when he leaned in to kiss me And his potent touch which sparked the s within me It’s vivid, it’s clear and it’s blissful From the moment I stepped into that office, I was destined to be with this man

‘My beautiful girl is dreanise the voice, but they are his words, so I know it’s him I want to answer his, yet my desperation still doesn’t helpecho of his words and his continued touch, which is now gently caressingsound stuns me from my happy slumber and my head flies up hopefully, but I find his eyes are still closed and his hands are where I’ve held them--one in mine and the other draped lifelessly by his side I’ noise, which I soon realise is his drip, shouting that he’s out of fluids Pulling myself up, I reach up to call the nurse, but jump when I hear a muffled moan I don’t knohy I juht worthy, butthat perhaps I’ve iined it

But then his eyes move under his lids and my heart rate increases further I want to pinch myself to ensure that I’m not still asleep, and I think I actually do because I definitely feel a harsh little stab of pain, even through the nu his hand in favour of his shoulder so I can shake hiain and his legs shift under the thin cotton sheet He’s waking up ‘Jesse?’ I should be calling the nurse, but I don’t I should be shutting thatquietly, but I’m not ‘Jesse!’ I shake a little more

‘Too loud’ he co from relaxed closed to clenched closed

I reach over him and punch the button on the ru his hand to clench his head Every fear and grief stricken eht light Hopeful light

‘Open your eyes,’ I de hurts’

‘Oh God’ My relief is incredible, alhI need to see his eyes

He groans soh onof telling him to stop I need to see his eyes

And there they are

Not as green or addictive, but they have life in theht in the roo hell,’

I’ve never been so pleased to hear tords It’s Jesse and it’s fa his bearded face and only stop when he hisses in pain ‘Sorry!’ I blurt, pushinghell, Ava’ His face screws up, his eyes closing again

‘Open your eyes!’

He does, and I’ atpain on me, woman!’