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He rolled his eyes "Can’t wait"
As he stepped out of the main office, he considered that there’d once been a ti out on a teacher--ain, there’d once been a time when he’d had expectations to live up to
He wondered if Becca would talk to hi the week school had been closed, and he’d been surprised to get an immediate response
Then he’d read it: No offense, but no one trusts you, Hunter
But here, at school, she ht be more receptive Especially if he told her what Calla had said
In fourth-period World History, Becca was sitting with Chris, as usual, her dark hair hanging down over one shoulder She looked up as soon as Hunter walked into the rooainst the doorjamb
When he’d first moved here, he’d sensed that Becca was a Fifth, like he was, but he’d known right away that she wasn’t a Guide Becca was too trusting Too kind He’d liked her right away--but he’d co the Merricks, and she was an easy link through her friendship with Chris So Hunter had used her
And he’d lost any chance he’d had with her
She stared at hi to Chris
Hunter felt a flicker ofso, either He begged the air to carry her words to hihed under his breath and gave Hunter a look
Hunter wanted to stride across the roo, aiht hiive way under his hand
"Excusethe door Hunter shifted to the side to let the girl pass He forced his hand to unclench
Then he caught the aroht on blond hair The new girl fro at a blue paper "Is this World History?"
"Yes" He racked his brain for soent to say, but then her eyes lifted froht from his head
Like what you see?
Inexplicably, he wanted to touch her, to feel her heartbeat under his fingertips, to catch solad he couldn’t speak He’d probably sound like a psycho
She shifted the bag higher on her shoulder "You’re big on staring, huh?"
He jerked his eyes away, feeling heat course up his neck "Sorry"
"Don’t apologize Just don’t blaain, he had no idea whether she was flirting Her tone was sodirect
"I have a theory about piercings," she said
"I’d like to hear it" He could be direct back
Mr Beamis, the ancient History teacher, cleared his throat behind theirl didn’t move, so Hunter didn’t, either
Three empty seats were available in the classroo the teacher’s One at the back, directly behind Becca And one in the third roo seats over froirl said
He nodded toward his seat in the third row The desks were arranged two-by-two, and he’d been paired with Monica Lawrence for the se her hair for split ends
And a fes past that, Becca atching his interaction with the new girl a little too carefully
Mr Beaain, a bit more eirl turned and surveyed the room as if the teacher’s ilance at Hunter, she slipped between the desks and dropped into the chair ts over
He made his way into his own seat and refused to look her way
Bea Hunter could totally sleep through this class--he’d taken World History last year, at his old school, and even though he’d told theistration, they’d still dumped him in here Monica wasn’t the type to care whether he paid attention or not, so he usually used this class to catch up on homework from his other teachers
Today, he was keenly aware of the new girl sitting a fes over
He should be plotting a way to stop Calla He should be figuring the best angle to approach the Merricks to get their help
He just couldn’t think past cinnamon and apples and blond hair
Then he slahts He’d been burned twice now--once by Clare, a girl who’d been using hiirl as using him for his father’s connections
Before their final trip, Hunter’s father had imparted one last lesson, and death had made it stick: Use them before they use you
He pulled out his essay for Honors French and pretended the new girl didn’t exist
A folded triangle of paper landed in the center of his notebook
Normally he’d unfold it discreetly, but Beamis was so clueless that the note could have hit him in the head and he wouldn’t notice
Loopy script in purple pen The paper smelled like her
What’s your ?
Hunter clicked his pen and wrote below her words
I have a theory about girls who ask for your nu for your name
Then he folded it up and flicked it back
It took every ounce of self-control to not watch her unfold it
The paper landed back on his desk in record ti
He put his pen against the paper
I have a theory about girls with theories
Then he waited, not looking, fighting the small smile that wanted to play on his lips
The paper didn’t reappear
After a hed and went back to his French essay
When the folded triangle smacked him in the temple, he jumped a mile His chair scraped the floor, and Bea frohed, covering the note with his hand "Sorry"
When the coast was clear, he unfolded the triangle
It was a new piece of paper
My name is Kate
Kate Hunter al with hih Short and blunt and somehow indescribably hot