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I s my handiwork He can’t possibly turn his nose up at that It looks spectacular
‘Happy with yourself?’
I swingup against the door fraood job’
He casts his eyes over the bed and pushes hi hard He doesn’t think it’s a good job at all He wants to start all over again, and the juvenile side ofhim to do just that, just so I have a to pull it all off and start again, aren’t you?’ I ask,of his bed
He shrugs nonchalantly, blatantly feigning acceptance ‘It’ll do’
I shs and walks off, leaving me to admire his bed ‘Livy, that is far from perfect’ He disappears into his wardrobe and I follow behind, discovering Miller pulling sohs
It’s hard to forht ‘Why the need to have everything just so?’ I ask, watching as his fluid movements falter at my question
He doesn’t look atthe waistband of his boxers around his hips ‘I appreciate my possessions’ His answer is reluctant and curt and clearly not going to be elaborated on ‘Breakfast?’
‘I have no clothes,’ I remind him
He takes a leisurely jaunt downeyes ‘You’re fine as you are’
‘I’m naked’
His face is completely impassive ‘Yes; as I said, fine’ He proceeds to pull on so in this moment makesless than a three-piece suit
‘I’d feel ue quietly, annoyed withso unsure and tiardsme shift and feel even ru to throw on
Flicking through the rails of shirts, I lose a bit of patience at the constant stream of dress shirts and pull down a blue one by the sleeve in exasperation
‘Livy, what are you doing?’ He chokes the words out as I feedister the look of pure horror on his face
He see breath, and then he’s on his way over tothe shirt from my body ‘Not in a five-hundred-pound shirt’
I’s the shirt and starts brushing down the front, huffing his annoyance when the minuscule crease that I’ve created doesn’t disappear I can’t laugh He’s too aggravated, and it’s quite alar with the shirt andon in shock, he yanks it down, screws it up and tosses it in a wash basket ‘Needs washing,’ heit open He lifts out a pile of black T-shirts and sets the stack on the cabinet in the centre of the roo another pile to the side When he reaches the last, he shakes it out and hands it tothe newly rotated pile of T-shirts back into the drawer
As I watch hie so that’s been pretty obvious for quite some time He’s not just tidy Miller Hart suffers fro to put it on?’ he asks, still clearly annoyed
I don’t say anything; I’m not sure what to, so I pull it overhe lives his life to ht have thrown hi me here, so I shouldn’t be too concerned about it
‘Are you okay?’ I enquire nervously, wishing he’d putme
‘Fine and dandy,’ he mutters, very un-fine and un-dandy -like ‘I’ll make us breakfast’
My hand is clasped abruptly and I’h the bedroom with purpose It doesn’t pass nore the bed, his jaw ticking a little as he glances out of the corner of his eye to the neat covers and pillows – neat by my standards, anyway
‘Please, sit,’ he instructs e reach his kitchen, leaving me to lower my nad bum to the cool surface of the chair ‘What would you like?’
‘I’ll have what you’re having,’ I say, thinking I should make this as easy as possible for hiurt Would you like that?’ He opens the fridge and lifts out a stack of plastic containers, all containing various chopped fruits
‘Please,’ I answer on a sigh, praying we’re not heading down that familiar road of shortness and detachment It feels like it
‘As you wish’ His tone is clipped as he sets about taking bowls down frourt froe
I’m silent as I watch hiet it just so Orange juice is squeezed, coffee brewed, and he’s sitting oppositeI dare not It’s all been placed with utter precision, and I won’t risk lowering his
‘Help yourself’ He nods at e the position of the fruit bowl, so I can reposition it exactly right, and start spooning some fruit into my bowl Then I replace it carefully I’ve not even picked upthe fruit dish to the left My fascination with Miller Hart just keeps growing, and while these little traits are quite irritating, they’re really quite endearing, too It’s becoentleman into a tailspin – s just the way he likes the to take it personally I don’t think there’s anyone on the planet who could get this right
The silence is awfully unco, but I can tell that he’s fighting the urge to leave the table and restore his bedcovers to their noro and do it, especially if it et a chance to, though He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and rests his spoon across his bowl
‘Excuse me while I use the bathroom’ He stands and leaves the roo to follow and see him in action, but I take the opportunity to study all the iteure out exactly what it is about their positions that keep hiood five minutes before he returns to the kitchen, visibly more relaxed I relax, too, and I’m relieved that I’ve finished my breakfast and drunk my juice, so there is absolutely no need for ister an issue withand movements, too – like in his bed
He tucks hi it with a strawberry and popping it in hison his slos is so that I can’t help His listening at me And I know they are nohich leaves me in a predicament Eyes or mouth?
He decides for me when he speaks I almost don’t hear him as I’m too rapt by those lips ‘I have a request,’ he declares The words, when they finally filter into ht They’re glistening