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Promised Jodi Ellen Malpas 28510K 2023-08-31

‘You can’t’ He dives up, i that the dress has been ditched, as well as the shoes ‘Oh no! You looked fabulous’ His eyes run down my semi-nakedness

‘Yes, but I couldn’t walk,’ I ood enough reason alone tolifestyle I’ve been bombarded with new situations recently, and for the ry, pissed off, or useless throughout Why the hell a this to myself?

I viciously yank down a crea that h the ain, telling Gregory to stick his face in the pillow so I can do it all quickly and comfortably When I’m done, I have my white cotton underwear back on, my cream dress in place,my feet I feel soovera pink sheen on oryover ‘You looked lovely’

‘Don’t I now?’

‘Well, yes, you always look lovely, but you looked less of a walkover in the black nuiven you confidence’

‘I’ if that’s strictly true I don’t even know anythings I never considered and s I definitely never considered

‘I just want you to express yourself a little rins at me as he fluffs my hair

‘You want me to be mad?’ I ask, because that’s exactly how I feel Moody Irritable Pressured

‘No, I want some sass to surface I know it’s there’

‘Sass is dangerous’ I brush his froo before I change ru

I thank all of the Converse gods as I walk down the stairs inrestlessly at the botto out of her way each tiainst the wall of the hallway to avoid being run down

‘Here she is!’ George says, clearly relieved that his body dodging will soon come to an end ‘And doesn’t she look lovely?’

I halt on the bottoive me an all-over assessht in on Gregory ‘You said heels,’ she says in disbelief ‘You said a lovely black dress and heels to rulare at hi a Nan-style interrogation’

I sighrandmother, keen to escape all of the bloody fuss ‘Bye’

‘Have fun!’ Nan calls ‘Is this one really better than that Miller?’ I hear her ask quietly

‘Much!’ Gregory assures her confidently It just makes me walk faster How the hell does he know? He’s not hs ‘Nohere’s rateful for ets ht, but Lord, give th! A quiet life was an easy life, kind of, except for the odd grumble about my reclusiveness Now it’s a constant strea It’s painful

‘Livy!’ Gregory catches up to me as I reach the end of the road ‘You look dead cute’

‘You don’t have to try to make me feel better I feel fine, no thanks to you’

‘You’re gruirly squeal as I’m hoofed from the pavement ‘Will you pack it in!’

‘Sass,’ he says si a bitch, you know’

‘You deserve it Put htens me out ‘I’m headed in the other direction, so I’ll love you and leave you’ He leans down and pecks ood’

‘That’s a really stupid thing to say to me’ I jab his shoulder in an attempt to restore our normality

‘Well, yes, it usually would be, but ene in recent weeks’ He jabs ht; I have, but I’ve also lost that gene again, so he has nothing to worry about, and neither do I ‘I’ on a friendly date, that’s all’

‘And a little snog wouldn’t hurt, but no hanky-panky until I’ve rabs my shoulders and turns me around ‘Off you trot’

‘I’ll call you,’ I say as I start to leave him behind

‘Only if you’re not too busy,’ he calls back, earning himself a roll of my eyes that he can’t see to appreciate

It’s ten es Oxford Street is still bustling, even at this hour, so I prop o by,

After fivewith my phone willand start a text to Gregory, just to pass the ti do I wait?

I click send, and ory’s narateful he called because actually being on the phone is an even better way to appear relaxed

‘He’s not there yet?’

‘No, but it’s not even eight’