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Inkdeath Cornelia Funke 23130K 2023-08-31

What the devil? Orpheus nearly choked on the wine he had just raised to his lips The old witch was still drea of Capricorn’s return! Well, why not, since first Cosier had co turns for this story to take than the return of Mortola’s fire-raising son

"You really believe the Adderhead will bring the White Book here?" Ah, he felt there were great things in the offing, developments full of proer had stolen Fenoglio’s book fronificant part in this story The Adderhead in Ombra! What possibilities that opened up

"Of course he’ll come! The Adder is more of a fool than most people think" Mortola sat down on one of the chairs that stood ready for Orpheus’s distinguished clients

The wind blew through the unglazed s and made the candles flicker

Shadows danced like black birds on the ashed walls

"So will the Silver Prince let the bookbinder outwit him for the second time?"

Orpheus himself was surprised by the hatred in his voice To his astonishment, he realized that he noished for Mortimer’s death aler runs after hiet what that hero once did to hilasses and rubbed his eyes, as if he could wipe away the er’s cold face Yes, that was the only reason why Dustfinger had turned against him! Because Mortimer had bewitched him with his accursed voice He bewitched them all It was to be hoped that the Piper would cut out his tongue before they quartered him He wanted to watch as the Milksop’s hounds tore him to pieces, as the Piper sliced up his skin and his noble heart Oh, if only he could have written that song about the Bluejay!

Mortola’s coughing brought Orpheus back from his bloodthirsty dreams

"It’s only too easy to s these seeds!" she gasped, bent double in the chair, her hands clutching the arue, but they’re slippery little things, and if too o astray and down to your stomach, the bird sometimes comes back when you haven’t supie, opened her ers to her pale lips

"Listen!" she o to the castle as soon as the Adderhead reaches Ohter!

Tell him to ask Balbulus, the illuminator, how many books about the Bluejay Violante has ordered frohter is obsessed with his worst enemy and will do all in her power to save him Tell him in the finest words you can think up Use your voice, the way Silvertongue will try to use his You’re very keen on boasting that your voice is more impressive than Mortimer’s! Prove it!"

Mortola retched -- and spat another seed out into the palm of her hand

She was clever, even if she was totally crazy, and it was surely best to let her believe she could go on acting as if she were hismade him feel so unwell he could almost have spat out his oine Orpheus brushed a little dust off his elaborately embroidered sleeves His clothes, his house, all the h to think he’d ever serve her again? As if he’d come into this world to carry out other people’s plans! No, here he served only himself So he had sworn

"It doesn’t sound like a bad idea" Orpheus was taking great pains to keep his tone of voice as deferential as usual "But what about all the Bluejay’s noble friends? He won’t be hoping for support from Violante alone What about the Black Prince?"

And Dustfinger, he added silently, but he did not speak the naer