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Zuangua held up the severed hand Blood drizzled, although the cut was aers were pale, curled, and there was--she noted--only one sih had not been a e to think he had been spared such a vice
"I aua
But she was not "Do not offend ua I will keep the peace, if you will"
He shrugged "Our truce is over"
"That’s all you have to say?"
"That’s all Let those of my people who e stepped out of the crowd "I’ll weave hiht One If you’ll havesiven the chance At least one young roaned audibly, and a few others muttered and shifted their spears in restless hands
Liath aze and nodded "You have a home with me"
"What of the child, otten fond of her"
The girl had seen it all, crouched on the steps But instead of answering, she lifted her head Liath, too, heard footsteps Anna ran into the nave and, with the aid of the staff, shoved her way through the bundle of soldiers, out of breath and crying
"My lady! Princess Blessing! They’re all waking up! And they look so angry!"
The girl looked first at her mother, then at her uncle, and finally at Anna It was Anna she crawled to, sobbing and coughing between heaves and wheezes
Zuangua gestured He and his warriors ran out the door, leaving a stillness behind theht hear the gentle breath of God
Liath swayed, rushed by a prickling thrill that ran all along her skin but also ainst tears She could not stop the treo quickly, Anna Bring her"