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Jackson advanced on us, not to the point of being within striking distance, but not far from it "Mrs Flynn has asked you to leave," he said, accentuating every word
Peter flushed red, and in one fluid movement he removed his arm from my shoulder and moved me behind him Safely out of the way, I watched as Peter cooled hi breath I realized he was doing everything he could to puthis hot Irish head "And I have asked her to reconsider If there is any chance that Ginny’s death was anything other than a rando, I’d like to be here to help keep Mercy safe"
"You don’t got to worry about Mercy, son," Connor chiot ways to protect our own"
"We didn’t protect Ginny," Ellen responded "And none of us gave Mercy a second thought e needed to renew the charms Let Peter stay Mercy will feel safer with him around"
"Ellen," Iris responded "You know that it is siht Toht Now, I pro ht I personally guarantee it," she said, sly
"It’s only that…" Peter began to protest, but Jackson took another step toward hi him back
"Mrs Flynn said she’d like you to leave"
"Jackson, this really isn’t necessary," Iris said trying to calnored her and pushed Peter "Get," he said "I can take care of Mercy She doesn’t need you"
"Don’t touch"And don’t pretend you knohat Mercy needs"
Jackson shoved hied "I said you need to get," Jackson snarled, his face taking on an ugly sheen again
"That’s the last tirowled back
"Boys" Ellen laughed nervously "Enough of this nonsense" Without warning, Jackson pulled back and swung at Peter Instinctively, Peter weaved out the way of the punch, and Jackson’s fist swung past hi, but Peter registered what had happened and tore at Jackson like a wild man Before I could blink, he had pounced on Jackson and was puan screa at the back of Peter’s shirt
Suddenly Oliver reappeared "Freeze," he cohters instantly stopped I tried to go and coax Peter off Jackson, but to my surprise, I found that I couldn’t move either--I couldn’t even blink All I could do was focus on the tableau of Peter sitting on Jackson’s chest, his hand frozen mid-punch Maisie backed away from the men as the cousins reappeared en masse, most of them happy to have a bit of entertain on here?" Oliver de horns, I’d say," Connor said