Page 56 (2/2)
One step out of the flow of traffic, Aidan studied the building Just a sn above the door she’d entered read HAMILTON COFFEES
Perhaps the woman was Mrs Hamilton She certainly wasn’t Katie It never was and never would be He’d known that long enough that it shouldn’t hurt anymore, but somehow he still felt that ache in his throat His lips thinned at the idea of grief Even his sorrow had finally come under his control in the past few years He could not let it loose again
Inhaling slowly, he focused on the heavy smell of the shipyard that hovered over the whole town Water and tar and wood He closed his eyes and listened for the incessantly screaulls They sounded as old
When he opened his eyes, he was calmer The blue door was just a door The shop was just a shop At soain She’d step outside for a breath of fresh air or to sweep dust frohost Then he could walk away and send the past back to hell where it belonged
He waited Waited as carriages and carts ru his view for torturous seconds, waited as a rotund woain with a se lifted, and he knew he could ain
She was not Katie
Aidan turned away from the shop and walked in the other direction
“Penrose,” Aidan grunted
Penrose appeared in the doorway that separated the two spare rooms they’d rented for the week “Sir?”
“The post”
His secretary reappeared a e passage back to London for this evening, sir?”
Aidan meant to say yes He was done here He should’ve left already
He eyed the letter on top of the pile, recognizing his brother’s handwriting “Givea real answer Penrose disappeared He was good at that
ly aware that he was using the letter to procrastinate, Aidan sliced through the seal and unfolded the paper As a tool, the note proved ineffectively short A few pleasantries and news of his sister’s honey another house party “Cousin Harry has hinted that he may marry soon, and Mother insists he will need an audience when he announces his betrothal She seems unconcerned that Harry has yet to reveal which lady has caught his eye One can only pray she invites the right family”
Aidan h the idea of another trip home filled hi in the world, but they knew him too well Whenever he was home, they watched him ary sadness They loved him, but they wanted the old Aidan back