Page 15 (1/2)

‘That you’re co to the police station, sir That should do it’

June Petrie was hovering at the end of the passage He could see a bunch of students at the desk, another couple by the bag check

‘I … Could we –’

‘Just get your jacket, Mr Blade’

Head bent, eyes down, he walked to the staffroo hi, as he took down his jacket

‘My lunch box …’

‘Bring it’

He brought it


Abi Righton’s face was as pale as Cat remembered, the circles beneath her eyes darker, and she had spots round her mouth The child sat on her lap quietly

‘She just isn’t herself, knohat I ht since that tu sick?’

‘Not really’

‘How are her nappies?’

Abi shrugged

‘Is she eating and drinking as usual?’

‘Yeah Well – ht’

‘How’s your little boy now?’

‘He’s OK, he’s at the nursery’

‘Would you like to sit Mia on the couch then? I’ll have a look at her Has she seemed feverish?’

Cat watched her carefully The child smiled She was clearly not in any pain, her stomach was not tender, neither throat nor ears were pink and there was no sign of any rash The sht, the whites clear with a healthy blue tinge

‘Good girl, Mia You’re a star’ Cat stroked the child’s hair

‘Shall I put her back?’

‘Yes, I don’t need to exa Mia into the buggy, then handing her a plastic beaker Mia drank

‘Has she still got this bug then?’ Abi asked

‘I don’t think so Sit down a ot her settled’

Abi hesitated, then did so, but when she sat, she looked down at Mia and then towards theblind Cat waited She had long ago learned that if a patient had so to ask about other than a routine physical sy to listen was the only way to give theirl sucked on her beaker Abi Righton sat twisting her fingers together Sometimes, the silences lasted a lifetiet out of it I don’t want …’

Cat nodded slightly, still said nothing

‘Did you know about Marie, Doctor? And that other one’

‘I knohat I’ve heard on the news, yes Like everyone’

‘I knew Marie, I didn’t know that other one, Chantelle, well, I met her once, she …’ Abi looked desperately at the , as if she ht find a way out there ‘Maybe if she’d listened to us, Marie – we’d all said, we’d told her Chuck that useless Jonty Lewis And now look It’s not just hiet out of it, you know?’

‘Yes,’ Cat said gently ‘I do know and you’re right It’s no life, Abi’

‘The thing is …’

Once she had opened up, she went on, talking about life on the street, about the children, about her own childhood, her bedsit, Hayley, things that had happened, things people did, and then what she wanted, what she was planning She talked very fast, as if she had never done so to anyone before Cat had only to listen

The allotted tenroo up, Mia whiy – and none of it hton’s distress and fear and her deter she looked liy had drained out of her, and she had cried too, but her eyes no longer seemed dead and the air of defeat had lifted a little

Cat pushed the box of tissues over to the other side of her desk Abi took a couple and blew her nose

‘How do you feel now?’

Abi looked at her and shrugged, but then said, ‘Better’

‘Yes It always helps’


‘What on earth are you sorry for?’

‘I ’ She nodded at Mia ‘She’s not ill either’

‘I’ht person to coestion, Abi Would you talk to a counsellor? I could find someone who had the tiet out of all this She could help with access to courses or whatever it is you decide you want to do – when you feel ready? You could see her every week or so I think it would help a lot’

The wariness was back even as Cat had started talking

‘I don’t know … not sure about that What sort of a person would it be? I don’t want social services poking their noses in, I know all about theht want to take my kids away’

‘It wouldn’t be social services and no one would have any reason for taking the children You’re a good h

‘You are – those aren’t just empty words You love them, you care about them, you feed them properly and it’s their future that ood mother in my book, and you should be proud of yourself It’s not easy But you know that you’d be an even betteron the streets I really want to help, Abi, and you can always come and see me, of course, but I think you deserve o?’

‘I’m not sure – I want to find the best person for you Can you leave ot someone in mind but I need to check if she can take on anyone else’