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Vin nodded, finally letting go of hier Go with Sazed--he’s known byas he vouches for you"
Elend and Sazed both frowned as Vin pulled on her trousers In the pocket, she found herShe put it back on
"Go with Sazed?" Elend asked "But, what about you?"
Vin pulled on her loose overshirt Then she glanced upward… sensing through the stone, feeling hi faced hith The skaa rebellion was doo as he lived
"I have another task, Elend," she said, taking the mistcloak from Sazed
"You think you can defeat him, Mistress?" Sazed said
"I have to try," she said "The Eleventh Metal worked, Saze I sawso Kelsier was convinced it would provide the secret"
"Butthe Lord Ruler, Mistress…"
"Kelsier died to start this rebellion," Vin said firmly "I have to see that it succeeds This is my part, Sazed Kelsier didn’t knohat it was, but I do I have to stop the Lord Ruler"
"The Lord Ruler?" Elend asked with shock "No, Valette He’s i Elend’s head and pulling him down to kiss her "Elend, your family delivered the atium to the Lord Ruler Do you knohere he keeps it?"
"Yes," he said with confusion "He keeps the beads in a treasury building just east of here But--"
"You have to get that atiu to need that wealth--and power--if it’s going to keep fro conquered by the first nobleman who can raise an ar his head "I have to get you to safety"
She smiled at him, then turned to Sazed The Terriso?" she asked
"No," he said quietly "I fear that you are right, Mistress If the Lord Ruler is not defeated…well, I will not stop you I will bid you, however, good luck I will co Venture to safety"
Vin nodded, smiled at the apprehensive Elend, then looked up Toward the dark force waiting above, pulsing with a tired depression
She burned copper, pushing aside the Lord Ruler’s Soothing
"Valette…" Elend said quietly
She turned back to him "Don’t worry," she said "I think I kno to kill him"
Such are my fears as I scribble with an ice-crusted pen on the eve before the world is reborn Rashek watches Hating ers quiver Not from the cold
Tomorroill end
VIN PUSHED HERSELF THROUGH THE air above Kredik Shaw Spires and towers rose around her like the shadowed tines of soht, and o dead in the street, an obsidian-tipped spear jutting from his chest
The h thelistening on the horizon Morning was near
Below her, a greater light was building Vin caught hold of a thin spire, letting herher a sweeping view of the area Thousands of torches burned in the night, anized in great waves, converging on the palace
The palace guard doesn’t have a chance against such a force, she thought But, by fighting its way into the palace, the skaa army will seal its own doom
She turned to the side, the ers The last tih the spires of Kredik Shaw, she had been bleeding and semiconscious Sazed had arrived to save her, but he wouldn’t be able to help this time
A short distance away, she could see the throne tower It wasn’t difficult to spot; a ring of blazing bonfires illulassto those inside She could feel Hi, perhaps, that she ht be able to attack after the Inquisitors had left the room
Kelsier believed that the Eleventh Metal was the key, she thought