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He looked up, staring out into thenot to happen I see things, Vin I see lots of things"

She laid a cos… An appropriate statement, for a Tineye like hi ti the Snap when I was five Barely even re with tin?"

"Mostly," he said "Wasing a good thing forme feel"

"Any tips you can pass on?" Vin asked hopefully

He paused thoughtfully, sitting by the edge of the slanted rooftop, one foot dangling over the side "Tin burning… Notting about the seeing Wasing about the not seeing"

Vin frowned "What do youco the power of wants, ignoring the distractions of both"

If you want to be good at burning tin, she thought, translating as best she could, learn to deal with distraction It isn’t about what you see--it’s about what you can ignore

"Interesting," Vin said thoughtfully

Spook nodded "When looking, seeing thethe rats below Choose one, and don’t get distracted"

"Good advice," Vin said

Spook nodded as a sound thumped behind them They both jumped and ducked down, and Kelsier chuckled as he walked across the rooftop "We really have to find a better way of warning people that we’re co to startle so off her clothing She wore mistcloak, shirt, and trousers; it had been days since she’d worn a dress She only put in token appearances at Mansion Renoux Kelsier was too worried about assassins to let her stay there for long

At least we bought Kliss’s silence, Vin thought, annoyed at the expense "It’s time?" she asked

Kelsier nodded "Nearly so, at least I want to stop somewhere on the way"

Vin nodded For their second , Marsh had chosen a location that he was supposedly scouting for the Ministry It was a perfect opportunity to ht, ostensibly Seeking for any Allomantic activity nearby He would have a Soother with hi near the ood hour alone Not much time if he had to sneak out and back, but plenty of time for a pair of stealthy Mistborn to pay him a quick visit

They bid farewell to Spook and Pushed off into the night However, they didn’t travel the rooftops for long before Kelsier led theth andher first night practicing Allomancy with Kelsier I don’t even think of the empty streets as creepy anymore

The cobblestones were slick from mistwater, and the deserted street eventually disappeared into the distant haze It was dark, silent, and lonely; even the war hadn’t changed very roups, when they attacked, went in clu to overrun the defenses of an enehttime city, Vin felt comfortable in it The mists ith her

"Vin," Kelsier said as they walked "I want to thank you"

She turned to hiure in a majestic s you said about Mare I’ve been thinking a lot about that day…about her I don’t know if your ability to see through copperclouds explains everything, but…well, given the choice, I’d rather believe that Mare didn’t betray

He shook his head ruefully "It sounds foolish, doesn’t it? As if… all these years, I’ve just been waiting for a reason to give in to self-delusion"

"I don’t know," Vin said "Once, ht you a fool, but…well, that’s kind of what trust is, isn’t it? A willful self-delusion? You have to shut out that voice that whispers about betrayal, and just hope that your friends aren’t going to hurt you"

Kelsier chuckled "I don’t think you’re helping the argued "Makes sense to --only on the other side I can see how a person, given the choice between two assumptions, would choose to trust"

"But not you?" Kelsier asked

Vin shrugged again "I don’t know anymore"

Kelsier hesitated "This… Elend of yours There’s a chance that he was just trying to scare you into leaving the city, right? Perhaps he said those things for your own good"

"Maybe," Vin said "But, there was so different about hi to him, but I don’t think he realized that I was skaa He probably thought I was a spy from one of the other houses Either way, he seemed honest in his desire to be rid of ht that because you were already convinced that he was going to leave you"

"I…" Vin trailed off, glancing down at the slick, ashen street as they walked "I don’t know--and it’s your fault, you know I used to understand everything Now it’s all confused"

"Yes, we’ve ht properly," Kelsier said with a smile

"You don’t seem bothered by the fact"

"Nope," Kelsier said "Not a bit Ah, here we are"

He stopped beside a large, wide building--probably another skaa tenement It was dark inside; skaa couldn’t afford la’s central hearth after preparing the evening meal