Page 74 (1/2)
Dockson nodded "That ht The Valtroux Garrison is only three days’ er couldn’t have gotten to Luthadel in under two days By the tiet to the army…
Dockson could obviously read the worry in Kelsier’s eyes "Either way, the army is useless to us now," he said
"I know," Kelsier said "This is just about saving those et word to you as soon as I can"
Dockson nodded
Kelsier turned, flaring his pewter His pack suddenly becaht as if it had been e"
She nodded, and Kelsier felt a pulsing co twoone to her He put on the other, then walked forward, throwing open the back door to the kitchen The red sun was bright overhead Frantic crew to watch as Kelsier and Vin left the building
The girl hurried forward to walk at Kelsier’s side "Ham told me that I should learn to use pewter only when I need it--he said it’s better to be subtle"
Kelsier turned to face the girl "This is not a time for subtlety Stay close to me, try to keep up, and make absolutely certain you don’t run out of pewter"
Vin nodded, suddenly looking a bit apprehensive
"All right," Kelsier said, taking a deep breath "Let’s go"
Kelsier took off down the alleyway in a superhu hi fire within her Flared as it was, she would probably go through all five beads in barely an hour
The street was busy with skaa workers and noble carriages Kelsier ignored the traffic, bolting out into the very center of the street,increasingly worried about what she had gotten herself into
I can’t let hiht Of course, the last time she’d forced Kelsier to take her with him, she’d ended up half dead in a sickbed for apast pedestrians, charging down the street as if it were round a blur beneath her feet, people passing too quickly to see their faces Some of them called out after her, their voices annoyed A couple of these, however, choked off iht That’s e’re wearing them-- that’s ays wear them Noblemen who see the mist-cloaks will know to stay out of our way
Kelsier turned, running directly toward the northern city gates Vin followed Kelsier didn’t slow as he approached the gates, and the lines of people began to point Checkpoint guards turned with surprised faces
Kelsier juround with a cry, sht as the crewleader passed overhead Vin took a breath, dropped a coin to give herself a bit of lift, and juuard, who looked up with surprise as his coainst the soldier’s arered, but stayed on his feet--Vin was nowhere near as heavy as Kelsier
She shot over the wall, hearing cries of surprise from the soldiers on top of it She could only hope that nobody recognized her It wasn’t likely Though her cap flew free as she soared through the air, those ere fa lady would probably never connect her to a Mistborn in dirty trousers
Vin’s cloak whipped angrily in the passing air Kelsier coan to descend, and Vin soon followed It felt very strange to use Alloht Unnatural, even Vindown as she fell Instead of coround far below
So high! Vin thought with horror Fortunately, she wasn’t too disoriented to Push against the coin Kelsier had used to land She slowed her descent to a ainst the ashen earth
Kelsier inoring merchants and travelers Now that they were out of the city, she had thought Kelsier ht slon He didn’t He sped up
And, suddenly, she understood Kelsier didn’t intend to walk, or even jog, to the caves
He planned to dash all the way there
It was a teek trip by canal How long would it take thealloping horse, certainly, but surely a horse couldn’t
Vin didn’t feel fatigue as she ran She relied on the pewter, only passing a little of the strain onto her body She could barely feel her footsteps hitting the ground beneath her, and with such a large reserve of pewter, she felt that she could th of ti into place beside hiht it would be"
"Pewter enhances your balance," Kelsier said "Otherwise you’d be tripping over yourself right now"
"What do you think we’ll find? At the caves, ISave your strength"
"But, I’ weary at all!"
"We’ll see what you say in sixteen hours," Kelsier said, speeding up evenonto the wide towpath beside the Luth-Davn Canal