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"Very well, Master Kelsier," Sazed said with a respectful nod Kelsier shot Vin a s with his characteristically lively step
Vin watched hie, pondering the Alloe, and finally Kelsier’s pros--a fortune in coins--was a strange weight tied to her belt
Eventually, Sazed opened a particular door for her, walking in to light the lanterns "The linens are fresh, and I will send " He turned, handing her his candle "Will you require anything else?"
Vin shook her head Sazed s, then walked back out in the hallway Vin stood quietly for a short ain in the direction Kelsier had gone
"Sazed?" she said, peeking back out into the hallway
The steward paused, turning back "Yes, Mistress Vin?"
"Kelsier," Vin said quietly "He’s a good ood man, Mistress One of the best I’ve known"
Vin nodded slightly "A good man…" she said softly "I don’t think I’ve ever known one of those before"
Sazed smiled, then bowed his head respectfully and turned to leave
Vin let the door swing shut
Rebels Beneath a Sky of Ash
In the end, I worry that ance shall destroy us all
VIN PUSHED AGAINST THE COIN and threw herself up into the h the dark currents of the sky, wind fluttering her cloak
This is freedo deeply of the cool, da wind This hat I was always , yet never knew it
She opened her eyes as she began to descend She waited until the last moment, then flicked a coin It hit the cobblestones, and she Pushed against it lightly, slowing her descent She burned peith a flash and hit the ground running, dashing along Fellise’s quiet streets The late-autuenerally mild in the Central Dominance Some years passed without even a flake of snow
She tossed a coin backward, then used it to Push herself slightly up and to the right She landed on a low stone wall, barely breaking stride as she ran spryly along the wall’s top Burning pewter enhanced more than muscles--it increased all the body’s physical abilities Keeping pewter at a low burn gave her a sense of balance that any night burglar would have envied
The wall turned north, and Vin paused at the corner She fell into a crouch, bare feet and sensitive fingers gripping the chill stone Her copper on to hide her Allomancy, she flared tin to strain her senses
Stillness Aspens made insubstantial ranks in thein their work lines Estates rolled in the distance--each one walled, ht in the city than there were in Luthadel Many of the homes were only part-ti some other sliver of the Final Empire
Blue lines suddenly appeared before her--one end of each pointing at her chest, the other disappearing into theas a pair of coins shot past in the night air, leaving trails in theon the cobbled street beside the wall Her tin-enhanced ears picked out a scraping sound; then a dark for to his coin pouch
Vin dropped a coin and threw herself into the air after her opponent They soared for anobleed course in the air, jerking toward the o of the coin below her, instead burning iron and Pulling on one of the mansion’slatches