Page 7 (1/2)
Vin’s instincts o Now
Ca Run now? Or, take a risk for the greater prize? Vin didn’t care about prizes; she just wanted to live Camon, however, had not becoamble He slowly moved into the rooator
"Well, High Prelan Arriev," Camon said with a careful voice "I assume that since I have been called back for another appoint ator said "Though I must admit, there are so with a faenerally prefers to be conservative in its financial operations"
"I see"
"But," Arriev said, "there are others on the board who are quite eager to take advantage of the savings you offered us"
"And hich group do you identify, Your Grace?"
"I, as of yet, have not ator leaned forward "Which is why I noted that you have a rare opportunity Convince me, Lord Jedue, and you will have your contract"
"Surely Prelan Laird outlined the details of our offer," Cauments from you personally Humor me"
Vin frowned She re near the door, still half convinced she should run
"Well?" Arriev asked
"We need this contract, Your Grace," Camon said "Without it on’t be able to continue our canal shipping operations Your contract would give us a much needed period of stability--a chance to maintain our caravan boats for a time while we search for other contracts"
Arriev studied Camon for a moment "Surely you can do better than that, Lord Jedue Laird said that you were very persuasive--let e"
Vin prepared her Luck She couldrestrained her The situation felt wrong
"We are your best choice, Your Grace," Camon said "You fear that my house will suffer economic failure? Well, if it does, what have you lost? At worst, , and you would have to find other h to maintain -terhtly "And why the Ministry? Why not make your deal with someone else? Surely there are other options for your boats--other groups ould jump at such rates"
Camon frowned "This isn’t aboutof confidence--that ould gain by having a Ministry contract If you trust us, others will too I need your support" Caret this ga?
The obligator waited quietly He could destroy the hiive them over to the Canton of Inquisition More than one noble and never returned
Gritting her teeth, Vin reached out and used her Luck on the obligator,him less suspicious
Arriev smiled "Well, you have convinced hed in relief
Arriev continued, "Your ested that you need three thousand boxings as an advance to refurbish your equip operations See the scribe in the main hallway to finish the paperwork so that you ator pulled a sheet of thick bureaucratic paper from a stack, then stamped a seal at the bottom He proffered it to Camon "Your contract"
Ca to the Ministry was the wise choice," he said, accepting the contract He stood, nodding respectfully to the obligator, then motioned for Vin to open the door for hi is very wrong She paused as Ca
A happy obligator was always a bad sign
Yet, no one stopped the room with its noble occupants Camon sealed and delivered the contract to the appropriate scribe, and no soldiers appeared to arrest them The scribe pulled out a small chest filled with coins, and then handed it to Camon with an indifferent hand
Then, they si his other attendants with obvious relief No cries of alar of soldiers They were free Camon had successfully scammed both the Ministry and another crew-leader
Kelsier stuffed another one of the little red-frosted cakes into hiswith satisfaction The fat thief and his scrawny attendant passed through the waiting rooator who had interviewed the two thieves re his next appointment
"Well?" Dockson asked "What do you think?"
Kelsier glanced at the cakes "They’re quite good," he said, taking another one "The Ministry has always had excellent taste--it makes sense that they would provide superior snacks"
Dockson rolled his eyes "About the girl, Kell"