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"Wait!" Siri said, stopping Things were suddenly falling into place

"Vessel?" Bluefingers asked Susebron laid a hand on her shoulder, looking at her with confusion Why would the priests sacrifice the to kill Susebron? Why would they si’s safety were not their priers’s eyes, and saw hirow more nervous His face paled, and she knew "How does it feel, Bluefingers?" she asked "You’re from Pahn Kahl, yet everyone always just assumes that your people are Hallandren The Pahn Kahl people were here first, in this land, but it was taken frodom of your conquerors

"You want to be free, but your people have no ht Unable to free yourselves Considered second-class And yet, if your oppressors were to get into a war, itA chance to break away"

Hefrom the room

"What in the nanored hiht all along," she said "We should have trusted your priests"

"Vessel?" Treledees said, stalking over

"We can’t go that way," Siri said "Bluefingers was leading us into a trap"

The high priest opened his mouth to respond, but she er Bluefingers had betrayed her The one person she’d thought she could trust to help theates, then," Treledees said, looking over their motley collection of priests and wounded soldiers "And try to fight our way out"

IT WAS EASY for Vivenna to find the location the beggar had awkers, despite theabout spirits and death and ghosts fro to see what had drawn their attention

The docks were to her left, the sea brine pungent The dock slums, where many of the dockhands lived and drank, were a ss clustered betare houses and shipyards Why would Vasher have co to visit the Court of Gods Froather, there had been awhere the crowd had forhosts and of Kalad’s Phantoms, but Vivenna si for She’d have to--

Vivenna? The voice was faint, but she could just barely htblood?" she whispered

Vivenna Coet me

She shivered She wanted to turn and run--even thinking about the sas nauseating Yet Vasher had taken Nightblood with hiawkers spoke of a murder Was Vasher the person who had been killed?

Suddenly concerned, she shoved her way through the crowd, ignoring yells that she should stay back She cli door after door In her haste, she al out under it

She froze Then, taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open and stepped inside

The room was poorly kept, the floor littered with trash, the furniture rickety and worn Four dead bodies lay on the floor Nightblood was stuck in the chest of the fourth, an old man with a leathery face who lay on his side, dead eyes wide

Vivenna! Nightblood said happily You found et them to take me to the Court of Gods, but it didn’t turn out well He did draw ht?

She fell to her knees, feeling sick

Vivenna? Nightblood asked I did well, right? VaraTreledees threw ot back out I’m quite satisfied You should tell me that I did well

She didn’t respond

Oh, Nightblood said And Vasher is hurt, I think We should go find him

She looked up "Where?" she asked, uncertain if the sould even be able to hear her

The God King’s palace, Nightblood said He went to get your sister out I think he likes you, even though he says he doesn’t He says you’re annoying

Vivenna blinked "Siri? You went after Siri?"

Yes, but VaraTreledees stopped us

"Who is that?" She asked, frowning

You call him Denth He’s Shashara’s brother I wonder if she’s here too I’ht he likedback to her feet, feeling woozy from the sword’s influence Vasher had been taken by Denth She shivered, reer in Denth’s voice when he’d spoken of Vasher She gritted her teeth and grabbed a dirty blanket off the crude bed and wrapped it around Nightblood so that she wouldn’t have to touch hihtblood said You don’t really need to do that I had the old ot ing to lift the bundle with only slight nausea Then she left, heading for the Court of Gods

LIGHTSONG SAT, staring at the stones in front of hi its way down a crack in the rock

"Your Grace?" Llariainst the bars between their cages

Lightsong didn’t respond

"Your Grace, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have yelled at you"