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Page 93 (1/2)

The leg bled blood as red as that of any reater than any he’d known in his short life

He screah tears, Llariuard frohtsong’s own The soldiers stepped away, several guarding the tunnel, another holding his bloodied blade toward Lightsong’s throat

Funny, Lightsong thought, gritting his teeth against the pain That was not at all how I i


Vivenna waited up for Vasher He did not return

She paced in the small, one-room hideout--the sixth in a series They never spent more than a few days in each location Unadorned, it held only their bedrolls, Vasher’s pack, and a single flickering candle

Vasher would have chastised her for wasting the candle For a ly frugal

She continued pacing She knew that she should probably just go to sleep Vasher could take care of himself It seemed that the only one in the city who couldn’t do that was Vivenna

And yet he’d told her he was only going on a quick scouting h he was a solitary person himself, he apparently understood her desire to be a part of things, so he usually let her knohere he was going and when to expect him back

She’d never waited up for Denth to co with Vasher for a fraction of the time she’d spent with the h she had felt like she was Denth’s friend, she hadn’t really cared about hi, but distant Vasher waswell, who he was There was no guile in him He wore no false mask She’d only met one other person like that: her sister, the one ould bear the God King’s child

Lord of Colors! Vivenna thought, still pacing How did things turn into such a mess?

SIRI AWOKE WITH A START There was shouting co over to the door and putting her ear to it She could hear fighting If she were going to run, perhaps noould be the ti for some reason that it was unlocked It wasn’t

She cursed She’d heard fighting earlier--screa to rescue ht hopefully But who?

The door shook suddenly, and she ju, stood in the doorway "Quickly, child," he said, waving to her "You must come with me"

Siri looked desperately for a way to run She backed away fro for a couple of soldiers in city guard uniforrab her She screamed for help

"Quiet, you fool!" Treledees said "We’re trying to help you"

His lies rang hollow in her ears, and she struggled as the soldiers pulled her froround, souard uniforrey skin

She heard fighting down the hallway, and she screahly pulled her away

OLD CHAPPS, THEY CALLED HIM Those who called hi, that is

He sat in his little boat,During the day, one had to pay a fee to fish in T’Telir waters Well, technically, during the night you were supposed to pay too

But the thing about night was, nobody could see you Old Chapps chuckled to hi his net over the side of the boat The waters ainst the side of the boat Dark He liked it dark Lap, lap, lap

Occasionally, he was given better work Taking bodies fro the them into the bay There were probably hundreds of thehed to the floor A party of skeletons, having a dance Dance, dance, dance

No bodies tonight, though Too bad That meant fish Free fish, he didn’t have to pay tariffs on And free fish were good fish

Noa voice said to hiht

The sea talked to him sometimes Coaxed him this way or that He happily made his way in the direction indicated He was out on the waters alht They should know him pretty well by now

Good Drop the net

He did so It wasn’t too deep in this part of the bay He could drag the net behind his boat, pulling the weighted edges along the botto the smaller fish that came up into the shallows to feed Not the best fish, but the sky was looking too dangerous to be out far fro?

His net struck soht on debris or coral It was heavy Too heavy He pulled the net back up over the side, then opened the shield on his lantern, risking a bit of light

Tangled in the net, a sword lay in the bottom of his boat Silvery, with a black handle

Lap, lap, lap

Ah, very nice, the voice said, much clearer now I hate the water So wet and icky down there